A dynamic economy is constantly changing. Thousands of new offices and work sites open each year, and thousands close. As markets evolve, so does the workforce, creating constant churn. Sometimes, the impacts are local: when there is a fundamental shift in the industries that power particular communities, jobs disappear and housing prices fall. The school districts serving those neighborhoods see poverty rates climb and dwindling resources must stretch to support more high-need students.
Disruptions are a natural element of a market economy. Still, there are steps that can be taken to protect communities against such shocks—steps that, unfortunately, are the very opposite of our approach to public education. Governments seeking to cushion against risk might choose to provide social services on a regional basis, drawing funding from a broad area and a variety of revenue streams. They might change transportation systems and local boundaries to open up opportunities that would otherwise be just out of reach. They could double down on their investment in learning, so those who have lost jobs or have not yet entered the workforce can compete in a shifting economy. But in education, they do none of these. Tightly drawn school district borders determine not only where children attend school, but also, to a large extent, how well resourced those schools will be. The people within those borders—rich or poor—are asked to support their schools with local property taxes. Often, shortfalls in state support mean that in order to keep schools going, needy communities must pay increasingly high taxes out of ever-declining incomes.
When a high-need district is next-door to a much better-off school system, it is clear that the area has the capacity to do better by its neediest children—but is isolating them instead. The boundaries around Youngstown, Ohio are a case in point. The city never truly recovered from losing five steel mills in the 1970s and 1980s. Its population declined by more than half, leaving behind a far needier community. Today, an astonishing 47% of Youngstown’s children live below the poverty line, compared to just 6% in neighboring Canfield—a gap equivalent to the one between Detroit and the tony ski town of Aspen, Colorado.
Youngstown is poorer than any of its ten neighbors, showing that as the city’s misfortunes have mounted, they haven’t spread. Instead, poverty has been concentrated within the borders of Youngstown City School District. This kind of segregation comes about largely because of how we organize and fund school districts. When district lines split better-off neighborhoods from poorer ones, that keeps local dollars on one side of the line and needy students on the other—and wealthy communities have every incentive to keep it that way.
This report identifies which of America’s school district boundaries create the steepest degree of economic segregation. Click the arrow below to see the stories of some communities isolated by these borders and our big picture findings, or click the EXPLORE buttons on the lower left to see the national maps.
Fault Lines has been updated since its original publication in August 2016. Click here to see the original.
The nation’s most segregating school district border divides Rochester from Penfield. In the 1950s and 60s, Rochester saw an influx of black residents seeking manufacturing jobs. Meanwhile, white city-dwellers began to leave for the suburbs. Penfield grew rapidly, and it took steps to safeguard its affluence. It essentially banned new construction of multi-family housing and set minimum sizes for homes and yards, a policy that would come to be known as “exclusionary zoning.” This put Penfield out of reach for lower-income families.
Meanwhile, Rochester’s manufacturing sector began to wane, leading to population decline and a decrease in fortunes. Trapped in a deteriorating city, poor Rochester residents filed a lawsuit challenging Penfield’s exclusionary zoning. In 1975, the Supreme Court found for Penfield. The ruling showed the way for communities that want to price out poorer residents. The border between the two school districts works in exactly the same way. The school finance system’s heavy reliance on local property taxes ties district budgets to home values, which means that when wealthier districts keep their walls up, they also keep property values high, local dollars in, and needy kids out.
For more on this border, see the long-form report here.
The fourth-largest poverty gap in the country is the 41-point divide between Claiborne and Hinds Counties in Mississippi. Claiborne needs more resources, not fewer, in order to properly support their high-need student body. But the district’s tax base is poor—not just because of low home prices, but because of state and federal actions taken with little concern for the Claiborne community.
In the early 1950s, a United States Army Corps of Engineers project had the side effect of flooding 657 acres of Claiborne County, destroying timber and devaluing the land. This takes a sizeable chunk out of the district’s property tax base each year. An even greater loss resulted when Mississippi exempted nuclear power plants from local property taxes—a 1986 change in law that affected just the state’s one and only nuclear plant, located in Claiborne County, almost immediately after it began operation. Meanwhile, other kinds of power plants continue to generate property tax revenue for their districts—districts whose populations are, on the whole, less needy than Claiborne’s.
While Claiborne struggles to fund its schools, Hinds County thrives. The district’s voters recently approved a $60 million bond to make updates and improvements to all its schools.
For more on this border, see the long-form report here.
The eighth-most segregating school district border is between Benton Harbor, Michigan and St. Joseph. Benton Harbor’s big industrial employer, Whirlpool, moved its factories overseas in 2010, after a long decline in local fortunes. Whirlpool still maintains a corporate headquarters locally, and its various nonprofit arms now buy and develop city land, taking advantage of government programs that are meant to spur investment.
One example is Harbor Shores, a luxury development supported by state tax breaks that are intended to aid projects in distressed areas. Parts of the development were set for St. Joseph, but construction in the more affluent town would not have been eligible for state assistance. To qualify, St. Joseph transferred some land into Benton Harbor. But once the tax breaks expire, that land, and the high-priced housing built on it, will go back to St. Joseph. This is a clear example of a wealthier community getting to have it both ways. The school district border walls St. Joseph off from Benton Harbor children, keeping its property values high and student poverty levels low. Yet when it was in St. Joseph’s interest, a border could be moved—to allow it to profit off the poverty of Benton Harbor.
For more on this border, see the long-form report here.
The country’s ninth-greatest school-district divide separates Clairton and West Jefferson Hills in Pennsylvania. Clairton is the rare story of an industrial town where the main employer has stayed—and the dependency of the local economy upon it has brought disastrous results.
Clairton Coke Works provides about a third of local tax dollars, but it also produces intense air pollution. Emissions got even worse recently as fires at the plant disabled air-quality controls. The numerous harms include a child asthma rate that is very high at 18%, well above the rate for Pennsylvania overall. Still, Clairton needs Coke Works. Union groups advocated against idling the plant despite the fires, and the mayor recently said that “If we closed that mill down…we’d be like a ghost town.” Leveraging its position, the plant’s owner reduced its tax bill by 40% on appeal. This is hard on Clairton, but the city cannot push back too forcefully when the alternative is nothing at all. The district needs those local funds; the state doesn’t even provide enough to bring Clairton up to parity with West Jefferson Hills. Meanwhile, Clairton faces the greater costs associated with serving its higher-need students, including providing school-based health services like asthma care.
West Jefferson Hills, though, has not had to make such hard choices about its local dollars. Residents have approved seven straight years of tax increases for schools and opened a brand- new high school this fall.
For more on this border, see the long-form report here.
When viewing the most socioeconomically segregating borders in the country on a map, a clear pattern takes shape. Almost all of the deepest divides are located in two areas—the former Rust Belt and the Deep South. Both of these regions have been largely left behind by shifts in industry and changes in our workforce. But what is clear from our analysis is that not all communities were equally affected when the economy bottomed out. In fact, the fallout was felt deeply by some communities while their neighbors are still unscathed.
Ohio, which enrolls 3% of all students in traditional public schools in the country, is home to 34% of the most segregating lines in our report. New York, with 5% of the nation’s enrollment, houses 18% of the worst school district borders, including the biggest gulf in the nation—the 41-percentage point difference between Rochester and its neighbor Penfield Central. Michigan and Pennsylvania, which collectively educate 6% of all US students, are home to another 22% of the nation’s worst borders. In total, 37—or 74% of the worst borders are in the Rust Belt alone.
The four states with the most borders in the Top 50 have a common structural element—they have drawn and maintain very small school districts. Consider Pennsylvania, where there are seven school districts to every county in the state—or New York, where there are eleven. That is a deep contrast to Maryland, which educates 886,000 students across only 24 county-based school districts, or North Carolina, which enrolls just 100,000 fewer students than Pennsylvania, but does so in a quarter of the number of districts. States with larger school district borders are able to smooth out the kinds of financial fluctuations that come from a fluid economy. This is one of the reasons why states like Maryland and North Carolina do not contain the kind of drastic “haves and have-nots” of the states in this report.
It would be easy to see the structure of divisive school district borders as immutable. These lines, however, are not facts of nature. They are drawn by people, often in service of clear financial interests: given that nearly every state’s school funding system starts from local property taxes, better-off communities have every reason to draw and maintain borders around high-value areas, keeping local dollars in.
District lines should not mark the limit of students’ opportunities. States have an obligation to all their children, and they violate that trust when they allow district borders to divide students into haves and have-nots. Each year, legislatures have the power to make different policy choices: to fund schools in a way that cuts the tie between school budgets and local property values and to draw school district borders carefully and inclusively. Schools can still be governed locally, but do not need to be funded that way.
The data is compelling. The charge is clear, and the stakes are high. It is time for a new approach.
This state is excluded because at least two-thirds of students were excluded from the dataset.
State | NCESID | Name | Enrollment | Poverty Rate | Local Revenue Per Pupil | State Revenue Per Pupil | State and Local Revenue Per Pupil | Percent Local | Percent State | Percent Nonwhite | Median Property Value | Median Household Income | hp_lp |
Pennsylvania | 4202130 | Aliquippa | 1,077 | 39% | $5,803 | $11,309 | $17,113 | 34% | 66% | 82% | $72,000 | $31,121 | hp |
Ohio | 3904829 | Austintown | 4,867 | 16% | $5,484 | $4,755 | $10,239 | 54% | 46% | 24% | $101,400 | $45,358 | lp |
Michigan | 2600005 | Battle Creek | 4,118 | 38% | $4,400 | $8,506 | $12,906 | 34% | 66% | 65% | $60,300 | $32,839 | hp |
Ohio | 3904724 | Beavercreek | 7,751 | 4% | $9,502 | $2,590 | $12,092 | 79% | 21% | 17% | $186,200 | $89,690 | lp |
Michigan | 2604830 | Benton Harbor | 2,254 | 45% | $3,664 | $6,615 | $10,280 | 36% | 64% | 98% | $88,000 | $30,108 | hp |
Alabama | 0100390 | Birmingham | 24,070 | 35% | $5,023 | $5,148 | $10,171 | 49% | 51% | 99% | $86,900 | $33,770 | hp |
New York | 3605460 | Brighton | 3,628 | 8% | $14,550 | $5,722 | $20,271 | 72% | 28% | 30% | $181,700 | $76,205 | lp |
Ohio | 3904831 | Canfield | 2,662 | 6% | $7,866 | $3,303 | $11,169 | 70% | 30% | 9% | $197,800 | $75,234 | lp |
Ohio | 3904371 | Canton | 8,770 | 44% | $3,619 | $9,932 | $13,550 | 27% | 73% | 56% | $62,000 | $30,257 | hp |
Mississippi | 2800930 | Carroll | 1,032 | 23% | $2,901 | $4,930 | $7,831 | 37% | 63% | 61% | $90,900 | $43,068 | lp |
Ohio | 3904375 | Cincinnati | 33,710 | 38% | $10,042 | $5,256 | $15,297 | 66% | 34% | 76% | $123,100 | $37,547 | hp |
Mississippi | 2801020 | Claiborne | 1,487 | 55% | $4,001 | $5,115 | $9,116 | 44% | 56% | 100% | $61,000 | $24,601 | hp |
Pennsylvania | 4206030 | Clairton | 807 | 40% | $3,867 | $12,019 | $15,886 | 24% | 76% | 80% | $45,700 | $31,112 | hp |
New York | 3620340 | Clarkstown | 8,156 | 6% | $18,459 | $6,051 | $24,510 | 75% | 25% | 36% | $473,000 | $122,521 | lp |
Ohio | 3904378 | Cleveland | 39,017 | 42% | $6,154 | $8,048 | $14,202 | 43% | 57% | 84% | $67,700 | $27,932 | hp |
Ohio | 3904380 | Columbus | 50,331 | 35% | $9,720 | $4,015 | $13,734 | 71% | 29% | 77% | $115,900 | $41,959 | hp |
Pennsylvania | 4206420 | Conemaugh Township | 967 | 10% | $4,537 | $9,960 | $14,497 | 31% | 69% | 2% | $104,400 | $45,787 | lp |
Ohio | 3904655 | Cuyahoga Heights | 763 | 9% | $15,397 | $5,623 | $21,020 | 73% | 27% | 8% | $193,000 | $70,625 | lp |
Ohio | 3904384 | Dayton | 13,298 | 37% | $4,984 | $8,561 | $13,545 | 37% | 63% | 75% | $64,600 | $29,674 | hp |
Mississippi | 2801320 | DeSoto | 33,537 | 12% | $2,966 | $4,673 | $7,639 | 39% | 61% | 48% | $158,600 | $62,595 | lp |
Michigan | 2601103 | Detroit | 45,455 | 45% | $1,936 | $9,759 | $11,695 | 17% | 83% | 98% | $42,800 | $27,829 | hp |
Michigan | 2611550 | DeWitt | 3,169 | 3% | $2,830 | $8,003 | $10,832 | 26% | 74% | 15% | $214,500 | $87,440 | lp |
Louisiana | 2200570 | East Carroll | 1,049 | 59% | $3,176 | $6,846 | $10,022 | 32% | 68% | 100% | $68,200 | $20,795 | hp |
New York | 3627810 | East Ramapo (Spring Valley) | 9,010 | 37% | $15,548 | $11,051 | $26,599 | 58% | 42% | 95% | $411,600 | $62,066 | hp |
New Jersey | 3404980 | Fair Lawn | 4,943 | 4% | $17,596 | $3,313 | $20,910 | 84% | 16% | 36% | $406,400 | $109,747 | lp |
Ohio | 3904397 | Fairview Park | 1,809 | 11% | $10,936 | $2,995 | $13,931 | 78% | 22% | 15% | $148,700 | $54,994 | lp |
Michigan | 2614280 | Ferndale | 3,127 | 14% | $3,988 | $7,946 | $11,934 | 33% | 67% | 74% | $140,500 | $61,254 | lp |
New York | 3611670 | Frontier | 4,907 | 8% | $8,393 | $7,843 | $16,236 | 52% | 48% | 10% | $145,100 | $63,193 | lp |
New York | 3611880 | Gates-Chili | 4,229 | 15% | $12,254 | $11,891 | $24,145 | 51% | 49% | 41% | $121,000 | $61,056 | lp |
Ohio | 3904407 | Grandview Heights | 1,084 | 4% | $14,750 | $3,197 | $17,947 | 82% | 18% | 9% | $321,400 | $99,548 | lp |
Pennsylvania | 4210950 | Greater Johnstown | 2,968 | 42% | $4,632 | $9,512 | $14,144 | 33% | 67% | 50% | $51,500 | $28,614 | hp |
Alabama | 0101680 | Greene | 1,154 | 48% | $4,124 | $6,285 | $10,409 | 40% | 60% | 100% | $67,700 | $20,954 | hp |
Michigan | 2625740 | Grosse Pointe | 7,931 | 6% | $5,148 | $8,520 | $13,668 | 38% | 62% | 25% | $254,500 | $98,063 | lp |
Michigan | 2617250 | Gull Lake | 3,155 | 7% | $3,950 | $8,488 | $12,439 | 32% | 68% | 15% | $194,200 | $70,762 | lp |
Massachusetts | 2505730 | Hampden-Wilbraham | 3,139 | 6% | $11,351 | $5,774 | $17,125 | 66% | 34% | 14% | $290,600 | $97,656 | lp |
Connecticut | 0901920 | Hartford | 20,309 | 35% | $3,785 | $17,228 | $21,013 | 18% | 82% | 89% | $162,300 | $33,841 | hp |
Mississippi | 2801860 | Hinds | 6,004 | 14% | $4,870 | $4,676 | $9,546 | 51% | 49% | 86% | $141,000 | $57,868 | lp |
Pennsylvania | 4212030 | Hopewell | 2,056 | 8% | $9,163 | $8,407 | $17,569 | 52% | 48% | 9% | $144,400 | $63,090 | lp |
Ohio | 3904542 | Hubbard Exempted Village | 1,964 | 14% | $5,270 | $5,015 | $10,285 | 51% | 49% | 9% | $95,200 | $48,178 | lp |
Ohio | 3904543 | Indian Hill Exempted Village | 1,996 | 5% | $16,616 | $3,166 | $19,782 | 84% | 16% | 21% | $490,500 | $123,207 | lp |
New York | 3616440 | Lackawanna | 2,003 | 40% | $4,959 | $15,015 | $19,974 | 25% | 75% | 36% | $90,100 | $35,482 | hp |
Michigan | 2621150 | Lansing | 10,999 | 35% | $4,651 | $7,670 | $12,321 | 38% | 62% | 75% | $78,800 | $39,369 | hp |
Georgia | 1303270 | Lee | 6,447 | 13% | $3,650 | $5,183 | $8,833 | 41% | 59% | 30% | $156,800 | $65,018 | lp |
Mississippi | 2802580 | Leflore | 2,392 | 57% | $2,734 | $4,862 | $7,596 | 36% | 64% | 99% | $70,200 | $23,536 | hp |
Ohio | 3904423 | Lockland | 496 | 39% | $6,079 | $9,264 | $15,343 | 40% | 60% | 60% | $78,100 | $32,700 | hp |
Massachusetts | 2506990 | Longmeadow | 2,889 | 7% | $13,544 | $3,563 | $17,108 | 79% | 21% | 20% | $328,000 | $112,831 | lp |
Ohio | 3904987 | Louisville | 2,858 | 12% | $4,696 | $5,534 | $10,229 | 46% | 54% | 4% | $140,400 | $59,819 | lp |
Ohio | 3904833 | Lowellville | 538 | 14% | $6,470 | $4,211 | $10,681 | 61% | 39% | 12% | $103,500 | $53,625 | lp |
Ohio | 3904428 | Madeira | 1,475 | 5% | $11,797 | $3,606 | $15,404 | 77% | 23% | 11% | $266,800 | $97,944 | lp |
New York | 3620370 | New Hartford | 2,572 | 7% | $12,163 | $7,621 | $19,783 | 61% | 39% | 15% | $168,200 | $72,532 | lp |
Arizona | 0405530 | Nogales | 5,749 | 45% | $1,723 | $4,504 | $6,227 | 28% | 72% | 99% | $114,500 | $28,408 | hp |
Ohio | 3904873 | Northridge | 1,603 | 42% | $6,338 | $12,911 | $19,249 | 33% | 67% | 33% | $56,000 | $31,712 | hp |
New Jersey | 3412690 | Paterson | 28,899 | 36% | $1,601 | $16,714 | $18,314 | 9% | 91% | 95% | $235,500 | $36,106 | hp |
New York | 3622710 | Penfield | 4,581 | 5% | $13,521 | $7,822 | $21,343 | 63% | 37% | 16% | $177,600 | $80,926 | lp |
Ohio | 3904558 | Perrysburg Exempted Village | 4,985 | 4% | $9,040 | $3,084 | $12,124 | 75% | 25% | 15% | $211,800 | $88,560 | lp |
Ohio | 3904834 | Poland | 1,925 | 7% | $7,780 | $3,978 | $11,759 | 66% | 34% | 8% | $160,800 | $75,943 | lp |
Florida | 1201620 | Putnam | 11,255 | 40% | $2,420 | $5,309 | $7,729 | 31% | 69% | 47% | $82,800 | $33,619 | hp |
Pennsylvania | 4220250 | Richland | 1,580 | 11% | $9,408 | $4,059 | $13,467 | 70% | 30% | 8% | $137,500 | $56,537 | lp |
New York | 3624750 | Rochester | 29,436 | 47% | $3,905 | $20,338 | $24,243 | 16% | 84% | 90% | $79,400 | $32,347 | hp |
New York | 3625170 | Rush-Henrietta | 5,433 | 14% | $14,572 | $8,058 | $22,630 | 64% | 36% | 37% | $143,600 | $62,059 | lp |
Arizona | 0407300 | Sahuarita | 6,133 | 10% | $4,398 | $3,474 | $7,872 | 56% | 44% | 60% | $163,500 | $64,909 | lp |
Ohio | 3904475 | Shaker Heights | 5,105 | 12% | $14,777 | $5,704 | $20,481 | 72% | 28% | 60% | $204,500 | $74,976 | lp |
Connecticut | 0904170 | South Windsor | 4,159 | 4% | $15,206 | $6,070 | $21,276 | 71% | 29% | 37% | $281,100 | $105,986 | lp |
Michigan | 2632310 | Southfield | 6,290 | 14% | $9,150 | $5,953 | $15,102 | 61% | 39% | 97% | $127,800 | $53,920 | lp |
Massachusetts | 2511130 | Springfield | 25,858 | 38% | $3,082 | $13,099 | $16,181 | 19% | 81% | 88% | $148,600 | $37,118 | hp |
Florida | 1201740 | St. Johns | 38,550 | 8% | $6,313 | $3,781 | $10,093 | 63% | 37% | 23% | $274,600 | $73,640 | lp |
Michigan | 2632850 | St. Joseph | 3,004 | 8% | $4,150 | $6,616 | $10,766 | 39% | 61% | 21% | $185,200 | $66,111 | lp |
New York | 3628590 | Syracuse | 21,015 | 39% | $3,596 | $16,217 | $19,813 | 18% | 82% | 78% | $91,100 | $34,716 | hp |
Georgia | 1304860 | Terrell | 1,419 | 44% | $4,270 | $4,782 | $9,051 | 47% | 53% | 95% | $88,600 | $32,219 | hp |
Ohio | 3904490 | Toledo | 22,862 | 35% | $4,180 | $6,416 | $10,596 | 39% | 61% | 64% | $70,200 | $33,598 | hp |
Mississippi | 2804290 | Tunica | 2,095 | 47% | $6,117 | $4,661 | $10,778 | 57% | 43% | 98% | $96,000 | $32,052 | hp |
Alabama | 0103390 | Tuscaloosa | 18,430 | 16% | $3,087 | $5,598 | $8,685 | 36% | 64% | 39% | $158,100 | $57,880 | lp |
Ohio | 3904493 | Upper Arlington | 5,935 | 4% | $13,933 | $2,451 | $16,384 | 85% | 15% | 16% | $356,300 | $109,813 | lp |
New York | 3629370 | Utica | 10,311 | 41% | $2,816 | $13,179 | $15,995 | 18% | 82% | 69% | $89,400 | $33,873 | hp |
Ohio | 3904495 | Vandalia-Butler | 2,945 | 10% | $10,176 | $2,718 | $12,893 | 79% | 21% | 19% | $152,200 | $61,165 | lp |
Alabama | 0103430 | Vestavia Hills | 7,150 | 4% | $6,881 | $4,796 | $11,677 | 59% | 41% | 20% | $360,800 | $98,653 | lp |
Louisiana | 2201950 | West Carroll | 2,101 | 28% | $2,959 | $6,779 | $9,737 | 30% | 70% | 22% | $79,400 | $37,304 | lp |
New York | 3615390 | West Irondequoit | 3,597 | 10% | $9,881 | $10,232 | $20,112 | 49% | 51% | 28% | $127,900 | $63,626 | lp |
Pennsylvania | 4225590 | West Jefferson Hills | 2,880 | 5% | $11,728 | $4,623 | $16,352 | 72% | 28% | 7% | $166,500 | $75,694 | lp |
New York | 3607320 | Westhill | 1,781 | 6% | $10,121 | $9,872 | $19,992 | 51% | 49% | 13% | $153,000 | $75,777 | lp |
Pennsylvania | 4226130 | Westmont Hilltop | 1,307 | 10% | $10,600 | $5,677 | $16,277 | 65% | 35% | 9% | $126,700 | $66,520 | lp |
Ohio | 3904514 | Wyoming | 1,922 | 7% | $10,623 | $3,860 | $14,483 | 73% | 27% | 23% | $305,300 | $118,947 | lp |
Ohio | 3904516 | Youngstown | 5,088 | 47% | $4,561 | $12,917 | $17,478 | 26% | 74% | 86% | $45,200 | $26,892 | hp |
State | Postal | NCESID | Name | Enrollment | Poverty Rate | Local Revenue Per Pupil | State Revenue Per Pupil | State and Local Revenue Per Pupil | Percent Nonwhite | Median Household Income | Median Property Value | hp_lp |
Alabama | AL | 0101680 | Greene County | 1,154 | 48% | $4,124 | $6,285 | $10,409 | 100% | $20,954 | $67,700 | hp |
Alabama | AL | 0100390 | Birmingham City | 24,070 | 35% | $5,023 | $5,148 | $10,171 | 99% | $33,770 | $86,900 | hp |
Alabama | AL | 0102670 | Perry County | 1,442 | 50% | $1,766 | $6,489 | $8,255 | 99% | $22,973 | $69,100 | hp |
Alabama | AL | 0102190 | Macon County | 2,023 | 41% | $2,656 | $7,025 | $9,681 | 99% | $32,308 | $77,100 | hp |
Alabama | AL | 0100330 | Bessemer City | 3,605 | 32% | $3,973 | $5,860 | $9,833 | 98% | $31,308 | $84,000 | hp |
Alabama | AL | 0100188 | Chickasaw City | 1,056 | 43% | $2,006 | $5,447 | $7,453 | 74% | $30,929 | $79,200 | hp |
Alabama | AL | 0100300 | Barbour County | 847 | 43% | $3,221 | $6,566 | $9,786 | 94% | $33,318 | $70,400 | hp |
Alabama | AL | 0102160 | Lowndes County | 1,508 | 39% | $3,003 | $7,287 | $10,290 | 99% | $29,785 | $63,000 | hp |
Alabama | AL | 0103000 | Sheffield City | 1,068 | 34% | $4,240 | $5,949 | $10,189 | 47% | $33,463 | $87,700 | hp |
Arizona | AZ | 0400212 | Benson Unified | 1,238 | 26% | $4,548 | $3,700 | $8,248 | 32% | $36,855 | $94,000 | hp |
Arkansas | AR | 0507680 | Helena-West Helena | 1,421 | 66% | $3,206 | $7,171 | $10,377 | 95% | $24,151 | $78,400 | hp |
Arkansas | AR | 0502670 | Augusta | 432 | 44% | $5,197 | $5,218 | $10,414 | 60% | $27,096 | $57,800 | hp |
Arkansas | AR | 0500047 | Trumann Schools | 1,629 | 32% | $2,581 | $6,633 | $9,214 | 21% | $39,150 | $87,400 | hp |
Arkansas | AR | 0503630 | Brinkley | 534 | 43% | $5,408 | $5,075 | $10,483 | 65% | $31,698 | $62,500 | hp |
Arkansas | AR | 0500021 | Izard Cty Consolidated Schools | 525 | 40% | $4,227 | $5,920 | $10,147 | 5% | $32,526 | $74,800 | hp |
Arkansas | AR | 0505410 | Dollarway | 1,290 | 35% | $3,541 | $6,670 | $10,211 | 94% | $31,389 | $60,100 | hp |
Arkansas | AR | 0503420 | Lead Hill | 363 | 37% | $4,705 | $5,961 | $10,667 | 9% | $29,188 | $115,400 | hp |
Arkansas | AR | 0500026 | Pine Bluff | 4,070 | 37% | $3,990 | $6,208 | $10,198 | 99% | $33,806 | $78,300 | hp |
Arkansas | AR | 0500065 | Lafayette County | 599 | 37% | $4,222 | $5,920 | $10,142 | 67% | $31,250 | $56,700 | hp |
Arkansas | AR | 0500044 | Magnolia | 2,874 | 35% | $3,908 | $5,119 | $9,028 | 62% | $37,621 | $80,200 | hp |
Arkansas | AR | 0507890 | Hot Springs | 3,789 | 34% | $6,303 | $4,137 | $10,439 | 63% | $29,628 | $100,500 | hp |
Arkansas | AR | 0507920 | Jessieville | 919 | 30% | $6,231 | $4,205 | $10,435 | 10% | $44,417 | $138,000 | hp |
Arkansas | AR | 0508040 | West Memphis | 5,667 | 39% | $2,028 | $6,825 | $8,853 | 79% | $29,906 | $80,400 | hp |
California | CA | 0604260 | Beardsley Elementary | 1,810 | 37% | $4,050 | $7,887 | $11,936 | 49% | $30,486 | $167,700 | hp |
California | CA | 0637110 | Solvang Elementary | 591 | 34% | $6,599 | $3,814 | $10,413 | 59% | $74,021 | $713,100 | hp |
California | CA | 0620070 | Konocti Unified | 3,365 | 37% | $3,117 | $8,778 | $11,895 | 56% | $30,682 | $118,600 | hp |
California | CA | 0603000 | Arcata Elementary | 1,064 | 37% | $4,826 | $7,650 | $12,477 | 33% | $30,875 | $342,400 | hp |
California | CA | 0614550 | Fresno Unified | 73,356 | 33% | $1,753 | $10,595 | $12,347 | 90% | $37,273 | $172,300 | hp |
California | CA | 0637230 | Sonora Elementary | 728 | 37% | $4,128 | $5,758 | $9,886 | 27% | $47,902 | $266,600 | hp |
California | CA | 0603630 | Bakersfield City | 30,372 | 39% | $1,029 | $10,794 | $11,823 | 90% | $38,180 | $154,100 | hp |
California | CA | 0641880 | Weaver Union Elementary | 2,866 | 40% | $1,244 | $10,392 | $11,636 | 90% | $42,316 | $157,600 | hp |
California | CA | 0623820 | Maricopa Unified | 3,972 | 30% | $10,454 | $14,718 | $25,172 | 49% | $32,422 | $81,300 | hp |
California | CA | 0621450 | Richland Union | 3,466 | 32% | $2,524 | $9,745 | $12,269 | 96% | $40,891 | $164,200 | hp |
California | CA | 0603270 | Arvin Union | 3,028 | 33% | $1,979 | $10,993 | $12,972 | 97% | $36,825 | $132,900 | hp |
California | CA | 0616323 | Gustine Unified | 1,890 | 33% | $2,188 | $9,354 | $11,543 | 85% | $46,650 | $171,700 | hp |
California | CA | 0605040 | Biggs Unified | 617 | 30% | $5,739 | $7,517 | $13,256 | 44% | $57,110 | $200,700 | hp |
California | CA | 0622710 | Los Angeles Unified | 633,621 | 24% | $4,273 | $10,489 | $14,763 | 90% | $53,886 | $505,300 | hp |
Connecticut | CT | 0901920 | Hartford | 20,309 | 35% | $3,785 | $17,228 | $21,013 | 89% | $33,841 | $162,300 | hp |
Connecticut | CT | 0902670 | New Britain | 10,065 | 31% | $4,225 | $12,025 | $16,251 | 80% | $43,611 | $156,800 | hp |
Connecticut | CT | 0905190 | Windham | 3,311 | 30% | $6,164 | $12,852 | $19,016 | 76% | $41,293 | $156,500 | hp |
Connecticut | CT | 0904830 | Waterbury | 18,907 | 28% | $5,616 | $10,542 | $16,158 | 82% | $40,879 | $128,600 | hp |
Connecticut | CT | 0902790 | New Haven | 21,883 | 29% | $5,349 | $12,174 | $17,523 | 86% | $39,191 | $189,400 | hp |
Connecticut | CT | 0900450 | Bridgeport | 21,040 | 27% | $3,553 | $12,446 | $16,000 | 86% | $44,841 | $170,300 | hp |
Florida | FL | 1201620 | Putnam County | 11,255 | 40% | $2,420 | $5,309 | $7,729 | 47% | $33,619 | $82,800 | hp |
Florida | FL | 1200600 | Gadsden County | 5,620 | 39% | $2,052 | $5,761 | $7,814 | 96% | $39,830 | $101,300 | hp |
Florida | FL | 1200420 | DeSoto County | 4,912 | 34% | $2,372 | $5,748 | $8,120 | 60% | $35,435 | $83,700 | hp |
Georgia | GA | 1304860 | Terrell County | 1,419 | 44% | $4,270 | $4,782 | $9,051 | 95% | $32,219 | $88,600 | hp |
Georgia | GA | 1301560 | Crisp County | 4,183 | 40% | $3,606 | $6,177 | $9,783 | 67% | $33,194 | $83,900 | hp |
Georgia | GA | 1301830 | Dougherty | 14,946 | 39% | $4,173 | $5,783 | $9,956 | 94% | $34,541 | $102,100 | hp |
Georgia | GA | 1304380 | Richmond County | 31,159 | 33% | $4,311 | $4,953 | $9,264 | 83% | $39,430 | $100,200 | hp |
Georgia | GA | 1302070 | Evans County | 1,857 | 38% | $2,933 | $6,033 | $8,967 | 63% | $38,736 | $83,600 | hp |
Georgia | GA | 1302520 | Spalding County | 10,305 | 32% | $3,774 | $6,241 | $10,014 | 60% | $42,398 | $112,400 | hp |
Georgia | GA | 1304650 | Talbot County | 491 | 34% | $7,953 | $5,322 | $13,275 | 93% | $37,226 | $81,200 | hp |
Georgia | GA | 1303570 | McDuffie County | 4,133 | 30% | $3,869 | $5,682 | $9,551 | 61% | $40,469 | $102,500 | hp |
Georgia | GA | 1302490 | Greene County | 2,476 | 28% | $9,650 | $2,964 | $12,614 | 67% | $45,069 | $175,800 | hp |
Georgia | GA | 1304620 | Sumter County | 4,700 | 35% | $4,201 | $4,869 | $9,070 | 86% | $34,219 | $82,600 | hp |
Georgia | GA | 1301170 | Clarke County | 13,447 | 28% | $7,607 | $5,084 | $12,692 | 79% | $34,557 | $154,600 | hp |
Georgia | GA | 1303630 | Meriwether County | 2,813 | 31% | $4,515 | $5,048 | $9,562 | 64% | $36,368 | $91,300 | hp |
Georgia | GA | 1302640 | Hancock County | 953 | 40% | $6,829 | $4,903 | $11,732 | 97% | $29,268 | $66,100 | hp |
Georgia | GA | 1300120 | Atlanta City | 51,927 | 31% | $13,020 | $3,527 | $16,546 | 85% | $51,701 | $238,700 | hp |
Georgia | GA | 1303870 | Muscogee County | 31,590 | 31% | $4,698 | $5,027 | $9,725 | 75% | $42,502 | $140,200 | hp |
Georgia | GA | 1305460 | Warren County | 609 | 40% | $7,256 | $5,831 | $13,087 | 92% | $32,860 | $62,300 | hp |
Georgia | GA | 1304500 | Screven County | 2,328 | 32% | $3,781 | $5,925 | $9,707 | 53% | $36,556 | $78,900 | hp |
Illinois | IL | 1713320 | East St. Louis 189 | 5,844 | 48% | $1,782 | $15,666 | $17,448 | 99% | $22,421 | $54,700 | hp |
Illinois | IL | 1731950 | Pleasant Valley 62 | 518 | 32% | $2,875 | $8,423 | $11,297 | 66% | $39,079 | $89,100 | hp |
Illinois | IL | 1711790 | Danville Community Consolidated 118 | 5,948 | 36% | $3,220 | $10,804 | $14,025 | 61% | $38,460 | $64,800 | hp |
Illinois | IL | 1731140 | Pembroke Consolidated Community 259 | 216 | 40% | $1,968 | $14,356 | $16,324 | 96% | $26,964 | $85,300 | hp |
Illinois | IL | 1737080 | Springfield 186 | 14,903 | 30% | $7,052 | $8,851 | $15,904 | 56% | $46,412 | $105,200 | hp |
Illinois | IL | 1709960 | Chicago Heights 170 | 3,237 | 37% | $3,979 | $12,068 | $16,047 | 96% | $40,492 | $95,500 | hp |
Illinois | IL | 1722050 | Laraway Community Consolidated 70C | 453 | 26% | $13,958 | $10,753 | $24,711 | 91% | $45,978 | $105,900 | hp |
Illinois | IL | 1708040 | Cahokia Community Unit 187 | 3,422 | 43% | $2,278 | $14,499 | $16,777 | 94% | $25,287 | $47,100 | hp |
Illinois | IL | 1730510 | Community Consolidated 180 | 644 | 28% | $12,755 | $7,090 | $19,845 | 88% | $70,625 | $529,300 | hp |
Illinois | IL | 1722080 | LaSalle Elementary 122 | 949 | 30% | $3,420 | $7,958 | $11,378 | 46% | $41,907 | $80,000 | hp |
Illinois | IL | 1718480 | West Harvey-Dixmoor Public 147 | 1,166 | 42% | $3,272 | $14,072 | $17,344 | 98% | $22,313 | $69,600 | hp |
Illinois | IL | 1718600 | Hazel Crest 152-5 | 1,011 | 33% | $6,428 | $8,305 | $14,733 | 99% | $41,086 | $82,900 | hp |
Illinois | IL | 1720760 | Kankakee 111 | 5,234 | 29% | $2,936 | $11,057 | $13,992 | 80% | $42,152 | $96,400 | hp |
Illinois | IL | 1708070 | Cairo Community Unit 1 | 441 | 54% | $2,717 | $13,401 | $16,118 | 93% | $24,258 | $32,800 | hp |
Illinois | IL | 1727340 | Mount Vernon 80 | 1,717 | 35% | $3,868 | $8,937 | $12,805 | 47% | $36,700 | $77,600 | hp |
Illinois | IL | 1724720 | Prairie-Hills Elementary 144 | 2,598 | 32% | $5,188 | $10,069 | $15,257 | 97% | $49,388 | $109,700 | hp |
Illinois | IL | 1711850 | Decatur 61 | 9,124 | 28% | $4,264 | $7,518 | $11,782 | 63% | $41,211 | $78,800 | hp |
Illinois | IL | 1714760 | Fairmont 89 | 332 | 26% | $8,804 | $9,870 | $18,675 | 88% | $50,747 | $157,000 | hp |
Illinois | IL | 1731230 | Peoria 150 | 13,329 | 25% | $5,887 | $9,608 | $15,495 | 78% | $43,726 | $106,300 | hp |
Illinois | IL | 1709990 | Chicago Ridge 127-5 | 1,488 | 32% | $5,107 | $9,573 | $14,679 | 31% | $46,060 | $153,400 | hp |
Illinois | IL | 1708340 | Carbondale Elementary 95 | 1,515 | 38% | $8,928 | $7,919 | $16,848 | 69% | $24,053 | $125,700 | hp |
Illinois | IL | 1715900 | Freeport 145 | 4,073 | 28% | $5,871 | $7,732 | $13,603 | 49% | $40,693 | $84,000 | hp |
Illinois | IL | 1710950 | Ford Heights 169 | 434 | 40% | $10,035 | $14,551 | $24,585 | 100% | $23,669 | $61,000 | hp |
Illinois | IL | 1717490 | Grass Lake 36 | 186 | 25% | $19,656 | $7,038 | $26,694 | 16% | $67,879 | $176,100 | hp |
Indiana | IN | 1805460 | Lake Ridge Schools | 1,921 | 37% | $4,396 | $9,178 | $13,573 | 60% | $33,731 | $72,800 | hp |
Indiana | IN | 1803870 | Gary Community School Corporation | 6,009 | 42% | $2,783 | $8,299 | $11,082 | 98% | $29,208 | $67,200 | hp |
Indiana | IN | 1810260 | South Adams Schools | 1,307 | 32% | $3,454 | $7,652 | $11,106 | 16% | $44,432 | $118,200 | hp |
Indiana | IN | 1812810 | Wayne Township Metropolitan | 15,472 | 26% | $4,156 | $9,311 | $13,468 | 65% | $42,276 | $102,000 | hp |
Indiana | IN | 1802880 | City of East Chicago | 4,632 | 42% | $2,746 | $9,366 | $12,112 | 99% | $30,205 | $73,300 | hp |
Indiana | IN | 1804320 | Hammond School City | 14,193 | 27% | $4,193 | $8,048 | $12,241 | 85% | $44,378 | $87,600 | hp |
Indiana | IN | 1806390 | Marion Community Schools | 5,014 | 35% | $1,707 | $6,608 | $8,316 | 43% | $35,155 | $73,500 | hp |
Indiana | IN | 1800150 | Anderson Community School Corporation | 8,674 | 30% | $3,554 | $7,126 | $10,680 | 37% | $38,751 | $80,800 | hp |
Iowa | IA | 1925620 | Seymour Community | 310 | 37% | $4,213 | $6,577 | $10,790 | 3% | $41,827 | $88,600 | hp |
Iowa | IA | 1923340 | Postville Community | 705 | 26% | $4,051 | $7,010 | $11,061 | 64% | $41,934 | $101,100 | hp |
Kentucky | KY | 2101230 | Clay County | 3,296 | 52% | $1,793 | $7,487 | $9,279 | 3% | $24,596 | $55,600 | hp |
Kentucky | KY | 2101350 | Covington Independent | 4,073 | 31% | $4,575 | $6,717 | $11,293 | 54% | $34,361 | $88,400 | hp |
Kentucky | KY | 2104440 | Newport Independent | 1,678 | 27% | $6,982 | $6,926 | $13,908 | 44% | $33,648 | $122,600 | hp |
Kentucky | KY | 2101980 | Frankfort Independent | 806 | 38% | $3,985 | $6,682 | $10,667 | 34% | $34,984 | $109,500 | hp |
Kentucky | KY | 2102940 | Jackson County | 2,303 | 35% | $1,405 | $7,923 | $9,328 | 1% | $32,055 | $69,900 | hp |
Kentucky | KY | 2102070 | Fulton Independent | 398 | 44% | $2,726 | $7,093 | $9,819 | 56% | $26,711 | $68,700 | hp |
Louisiana | LA | 2200570 | East Carroll Parish | 1,049 | 59% | $3,176 | $6,846 | $10,022 | 100% | $20,795 | $68,200 | hp |
Louisiana | LA | 2201470 | St. Helena Parish | 1,220 | 36% | $3,275 | $7,629 | $10,904 | 93% | $35,254 | $77,400 | hp |
Louisiana | LA | 2201170 | Orleans Parish | 15,336 | 37% | $22,116 | $4,720 | $26,836 | 84% | $38,721 | $205,000 | hp |
Maryland | MD | 2400090 | Baltimore City Public Schools | 82,354 | 29% | $3,572 | $11,337 | $14,909 | 92% | $46,641 | $153,200 | hp |
Massachusetts | MA | 2511130 | Springfield | 25,858 | 38% | $3,082 | $13,099 | $16,181 | 88% | $37,118 | $148,600 | hp |
Massachusetts | MA | 2506270 | Holyoke | 5,418 | 37% | $3,965 | $13,993 | $17,958 | 84% | $37,954 | $182,700 | hp |
Massachusetts | MA | 2502790 | Boston | 53,640 | 27% | $17,750 | $5,973 | $23,723 | 86% | $62,021 | $455,100 | hp |
Massachusetts | MA | 2506660 | Lawrence | 13,994 | 28% | $2,069 | $13,341 | $15,410 | 95% | $39,627 | $238,200 | hp |
Massachusetts | MA | 2508430 | New Bedford | 12,765 | 28% | $5,867 | $11,456 | $17,324 | 57% | $40,626 | $211,500 | hp |
Massachusetts | MA | 2504830 | Fall River | 10,306 | 27% | $3,955 | $11,509 | $15,464 | 44% | $39,328 | $231,300 | hp |
Michigan | MI | 2601103 | Detroit City | 45,455 | 45% | $1,936 | $9,759 | $11,695 | 98% | $27,829 | $42,800 | hp |
Michigan | MI | 2604830 | Benton Harbor Area Schools | 2,254 | 45% | $3,664 | $6,615 | $10,280 | 98% | $30,108 | $88,000 | hp |
Michigan | MI | 2621150 | Lansing Public | 10,999 | 35% | $4,651 | $7,670 | $12,321 | 75% | $39,369 | $78,800 | hp |
Michigan | MI | 2600005 | Battle Creek Public Schools | 4,118 | 38% | $4,400 | $8,506 | $12,906 | 65% | $32,839 | $60,300 | hp |
Michigan | MI | 2630390 | Saginaw City | 6,044 | 35% | $1,981 | $8,312 | $10,293 | 79% | $30,676 | $42,800 | hp |
Michigan | MI | 2612930 | Ecorse Public | 1,173 | 44% | $3,524 | $8,801 | $12,326 | 86% | $23,772 | $39,000 | hp |
Michigan | MI | 2617760 | Harper Woods City Schools | 1,800 | 33% | $2,135 | $10,164 | $12,299 | 94% | $44,655 | $61,800 | hp |
Michigan | MI | 2617820 | Harrison Community Schools | 1,399 | 41% | $4,119 | $5,873 | $9,991 | 6% | $31,199 | $71,900 | hp |
Michigan | MI | 2628740 | Pontiac City | 4,136 | 28% | $10,599 | $3,569 | $14,168 | 92% | $36,332 | $72,400 | hp |
Michigan | MI | 2603810 | Baldwin Community Schools | 511 | 41% | $13,481 | $22,358 | $35,840 | 47% | $29,509 | $78,000 | hp |
Michigan | MI | 2600016 | Crestwood | 3,838 | 32% | $2,206 | $8,791 | $10,997 | 11% | $49,211 | $121,500 | hp |
Michigan | MI | 2606780 | Bridgeport-Spaulding Community | 1,521 | 29% | $2,235 | $7,906 | $10,141 | 80% | $36,108 | $75,800 | hp |
Michigan | MI | 2635970 | Westwood Heights Schools | 1,481 | 34% | $1,414 | $7,958 | $9,372 | 90% | $34,276 | $50,500 | hp |
Michigan | MI | 2624840 | Muskegon City | 3,985 | 33% | $3,424 | $8,594 | $12,017 | 78% | $30,017 | $61,700 | hp |
Michigan | MI | 2604500 | Beecher Community | 882 | 40% | $1,856 | $8,944 | $10,800 | 94% | $24,861 | $33,800 | hp |
Michigan | MI | 2614520 | Flint City | 4,883 | 39% | $2,978 | $10,143 | $13,121 | 86% | $26,322 | $28,200 | hp |
Michigan | MI | 2618600 | Houghton Lake Community | 1,284 | 36% | $6,735 | $3,558 | $10,293 | 4% | $35,839 | $100,400 | hp |
Michigan | MI | 2634680 | Van Dyke Public Schools | 2,591 | 33% | $3,512 | $8,370 | $11,882 | 79% | $32,456 | $44,200 | hp |
Michigan | MI | 2604740 | Bendle Public Schools | 1,193 | 29% | $1,811 | $8,164 | $9,975 | 23% | $33,247 | $44,000 | hp |
Michigan | MI | 2623460 | Melvindale-North Allen Park | 2,918 | 29% | $2,030 | $7,937 | $9,967 | 41% | $45,819 | $72,900 | hp |
Michigan | MI | 2636630 | Ypsilanti Community Schools | 3,791 | 25% | $8,128 | $7,382 | $15,510 | 78% | $40,428 | $117,800 | hp |
Minnesota | MN | 2721240 | Minneapolis Public | 36,675 | 24% | $5,943 | $11,208 | $17,151 | 66% | $55,717 | $222,600 | hp |
Minnesota | MN | 2733840 | St. Paul Public | 37,179 | 24% | $4,615 | $11,902 | $16,517 | 79% | $52,841 | $187,400 | hp |
Mississippi | MS | 2801020 | Claiborne County | 1,487 | 55% | $4,001 | $5,115 | $9,116 | 100% | $24,601 | $61,000 | hp |
Mississippi | MS | 2804290 | Tunica County | 2,095 | 47% | $6,117 | $4,661 | $10,778 | 98% | $32,052 | $96,000 | hp |
Mississippi | MS | 2802580 | Leflore County | 2,392 | 57% | $2,734 | $4,862 | $7,596 | 99% | $23,536 | $70,200 | hp |
Mississippi | MS | 2801980 | Holmes County | 2,812 | 51% | $2,102 | $5,472 | $7,574 | 100% | $20,244 | $49,600 | hp |
Mississippi | MS | 2802220 | Jefferson County | 1,282 | 48% | $2,272 | $5,683 | $7,955 | 99% | $21,779 | $57,100 | hp |
Mississippi | MS | 2803810 | Quitman County | 1,072 | 56% | $3,574 | $5,807 | $9,381 | 98% | $25,671 | $51,400 | hp |
Mississippi | MS | 2802250 | Jefferson Davis County | 1,420 | 41% | $4,677 | $5,434 | $10,111 | 87% | $26,736 | $80,600 | hp |
Mississippi | MS | 2801380 | East Jasper | 915 | 41% | $5,763 | $5,304 | $11,067 | 100% | $31,913 | $66,000 | hp |
Mississippi | MS | 2804800 | Yazoo County | 1,580 | 32% | $4,907 | $4,815 | $9,722 | 57% | $40,399 | $84,100 | hp |
Mississippi | MS | 2802190 | Jackson Public | 26,948 | 32% | $4,062 | $4,929 | $8,992 | 98% | $34,795 | $87,500 | hp |
Mississippi | MS | 2800900 | Canton Public | 3,583 | 31% | $4,376 | $4,473 | $8,849 | 99% | $46,595 | $165,700 | hp |
Mississippi | MS | 2800191 | West Point Consolidated | 3,147 | 37% | $2,632 | $5,263 | $7,895 | 81% | $34,118 | $81,200 | hp |
Mississippi | MS | 2801220 | Copiah County | 2,752 | 35% | $1,742 | $4,909 | $6,651 | 65% | $39,243 | $94,500 | hp |
Mississippi | MS | 2802040 | Humphreys County | 1,708 | 52% | $2,087 | $5,375 | $7,462 | 99% | $26,188 | $64,200 | hp |
Missouri | MO | 2929280 | St. Louis City | 28,270 | 31% | $8,312 | $3,748 | $12,060 | 89% | $38,664 | $123,800 | hp |
Missouri | MO | 2912630 | Galena R-II | 481 | 37% | $3,651 | $6,218 | $9,869 | 9% | $39,841 | $154,300 | hp |
Missouri | MO | 2915390 | Hurley R-I | 220 | 36% | $3,650 | $7,673 | $11,323 | 1% | $48,295 | $117,900 | hp |
Missouri | MO | 2920370 | Marquand-Zion R-VI | 152 | 42% | $4,145 | $6,961 | $11,105 | 1% | $35,536 | $94,300 | hp |
Missouri | MO | 2914310 | Hermitage R-IV | 258 | 43% | $6,554 | $5,078 | $11,632 | 4% | $33,333 | $87,300 | hp |
Missouri | MO | 2904530 | Bell City R-II | 225 | 33% | $6,111 | $5,773 | $11,884 | 5% | $36,250 | $82,700 | hp |
Missouri | MO | 2927930 | Seymour R-II | 730 | 43% | $2,730 | $5,260 | $7,990 | 7% | $39,805 | $108,200 | hp |
Missouri | MO | 2932220 | Winona R-III | 473 | 47% | $2,281 | $5,727 | $8,008 | 1% | $33,858 | $69,300 | hp |
Missouri | MO | 2912180 | Fordland R-III | 524 | 31% | $3,244 | $5,983 | $9,227 | 0% | $42,125 | $120,700 | hp |
Missouri | MO | 2916400 | Kansas City 33 | 15,418 | 32% | $9,894 | $3,190 | $13,084 | 90% | $39,080 | $106,900 | hp |
Missouri | MO | 2914340 | Hickman Mills C-1 | 6,328 | 27% | $4,378 | $6,765 | $11,143 | 89% | $40,928 | $91,100 | hp |
Missouri | MO | 2930810 | Verona R-VII | 412 | 37% | $3,600 | $6,427 | $10,027 | 22% | $37,727 | $86,400 | hp |
Missouri | MO | 2920310 | Marionville R-IX | 702 | 31% | $3,244 | $5,385 | $8,628 | 5% | $41,416 | $88,800 | hp |
Missouri | MO | 2911340 | Eldon R-I | 1,910 | 27% | $4,315 | $4,436 | $8,751 | 6% | $38,165 | $122,500 | hp |
Missouri | MO | 2931140 | Kingston K-14 | 791 | 35% | $3,046 | $6,774 | $9,819 | 4% | $30,720 | $90,200 | hp |
Nebraska | NE | 3174340 | Newman Grove Public Schools | 198 | 25% | $12,121 | $2,086 | $14,207 | 15% | $50,700 | $84,800 | hp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3412690 | Paterson City | 28,899 | 36% | $1,601 | $16,714 | $18,314 | 95% | $36,106 | $235,500 | hp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3400960 | Atlantic City | 7,142 | 45% | $13,763 | $9,992 | $23,755 | 95% | $26,006 | $168,800 | hp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3402640 | Camden City | 9,806 | 36% | $1,045 | $29,445 | $30,490 | 99% | $26,105 | $82,300 | hp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3412540 | Passaic City | 15,052 | 33% | $1,344 | $18,598 | $19,942 | 99% | $34,920 | $309,700 | hp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3416290 | Trenton City | 13,637 | 33% | $1,640 | $18,559 | $20,199 | 98% | $35,524 | $95,900 | hp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3408220 | Lakewood Township | 6,302 | 32% | $15,746 | $11,715 | $27,461 | 90% | $45,321 | $313,300 | hp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3411340 | Newark City | 40,514 | 30% | $3,099 | $18,165 | $21,263 | 92% | $34,826 | $222,800 | hp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3411220 | New Brunswick City | 10,389 | 31% | $3,540 | $15,340 | $18,880 | 99% | $38,413 | $257,100 | hp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3400930 | Asbury Park City | 2,366 | 33% | $3,426 | $28,620 | $32,046 | 98% | $39,324 | $335,500 | hp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3412270 | Orange City Township | 5,752 | 28% | $2,323 | $16,135 | $18,457 | 100% | $38,645 | $222,800 | hp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3412720 | Paulsboro Borough | 1,192 | 30% | $6,327 | $12,729 | $19,056 | 64% | $46,429 | $113,600 | hp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3414790 | Seaside Heights Borough | 211 | 36% | $13,166 | $7,640 | $20,806 | 68% | $38,306 | $265,000 | hp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3413740 | Red Bank Borough | 1,440 | 24% | $10,994 | $5,926 | $16,920 | 92% | $75,114 | $369,400 | hp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3407680 | Irvington Township | 7,651 | 27% | $2,495 | $17,625 | $20,120 | 99% | $39,734 | $181,900 | hp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3413470 | Prospect Park Borough | 939 | 30% | $3,505 | $10,524 | $14,029 | 90% | $50,938 | $259,800 | hp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3407860 | Keansburg Borough | 1,589 | 25% | $3,406 | $22,086 | $25,492 | 42% | $46,250 | $185,100 | hp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3405580 | Freehold Borough | 1,710 | 27% | $7,071 | $7,488 | $14,559 | 85% | $57,717 | $290,900 | hp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3413140 | Plainfield City | 9,470 | 23% | $2,562 | $15,439 | $18,001 | 99% | $56,425 | $236,400 | hp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3416380 | Union City | 13,949 | 29% | $2,020 | $16,683 | $18,703 | 98% | $43,424 | $296,200 | hp |
New Mexico | NM | 3501080 | Gadsden Independent Schools | 13,432 | 47% | $1,493 | $7,982 | $9,475 | 98% | $30,109 | $96,600 | hp |
New York | NY | 3624750 | Rochester City | 29,436 | 47% | $3,905 | $20,338 | $24,243 | 90% | $32,347 | $79,400 | hp |
New York | NY | 3629370 | Utica City | 10,311 | 41% | $2,816 | $13,179 | $15,995 | 69% | $33,873 | $89,400 | hp |
New York | NY | 3628590 | Syracuse City | 21,015 | 39% | $3,596 | $16,217 | $19,813 | 78% | $34,716 | $91,100 | hp |
New York | NY | 3616440 | Lackawanna City | 2,003 | 40% | $4,959 | $15,015 | $19,974 | 36% | $35,482 | $90,100 | hp |
New York | NY | 3627810 | East Ramapo Central (Spring Valley) | 9,010 | 37% | $15,548 | $11,051 | $26,599 | 95% | $62,066 | $411,600 | hp |
New York | NY | 3605850 | Buffalo City | 34,293 | 41% | $4,081 | $20,271 | $24,352 | 80% | $34,268 | $77,800 | hp |
New York | NY | 3626010 | Schenectady City | 9,816 | 32% | $5,720 | $12,701 | $18,420 | 75% | $43,174 | $110,800 | hp |
New York | NY | 3623760 | Poughkeepsie City | 4,491 | 31% | $5,927 | $14,969 | $20,895 | 92% | $40,840 | $190,400 | hp |
New York | NY | 3604870 | Binghamton City | 5,696 | 32% | $7,317 | $13,089 | $20,406 | 55% | $31,103 | $87,500 | hp |
New York | NY | 3628950 | Troy City | 4,197 | 27% | $8,415 | $14,481 | $22,897 | 57% | $45,594 | $159,100 | hp |
New York | NY | 3615630 | Jamestown City | 5,013 | 35% | $2,808 | $13,774 | $16,582 | 35% | $33,156 | $65,800 | hp |
New York | NY | 3620820 | Niagara Falls City | 7,200 | 30% | $3,646 | $15,638 | $19,285 | 57% | $33,965 | $69,900 | hp |
New York | NY | 3614130 | Hempstead Union Free | 8,392 | 25% | $8,662 | $14,730 | $23,392 | 98% | $52,948 | $301,800 | hp |
New York | NY | 3620580 | New York City Department Of Education | 984,462 | 25% | $16,041 | $10,622 | $26,662 | 84% | $57,782 | $538,700 | hp |
New York | NY | 3602460 | Albany City | 9,788 | 24% | $10,940 | $9,631 | $20,572 | 79% | $43,790 | $171,900 | hp |
New York | NY | 3602970 | Amsterdam City | 3,906 | 29% | $5,525 | $12,677 | $18,201 | 56% | $47,024 | $99,700 | hp |
North Carolina | NC | 3704500 | Thomasville City Schools | 2,399 | 36% | $2,256 | $6,154 | $8,410 | 77% | $32,997 | $95,500 | hp |
North Carolina | NC | 3700180 | Anson County Schools | 3,346 | 30% | $2,007 | $7,194 | $9,201 | 66% | $38,123 | $83,700 | hp |
North Carolina | NC | 3703540 | Pasquotank County Schools | 5,856 | 29% | $2,417 | $6,338 | $8,754 | 58% | $47,264 | $158,900 | hp |
North Dakota | ND | 3807850 | Glenburn Public 26 | 312 | 27% | $5,244 | $8,958 | $14,202 | 17% | $61,016 | $155,700 | hp |
Ohio | OH | 3904516 | Youngstown City | 5,088 | 47% | $4,561 | $12,917 | $17,478 | 86% | $26,892 | $45,200 | hp |
Ohio | OH | 3904378 | Cleveland Municipal | 39,017 | 42% | $6,154 | $8,048 | $14,202 | 84% | $27,932 | $67,700 | hp |
Ohio | OH | 3904375 | Cincinnati City | 33,710 | 38% | $10,042 | $5,256 | $15,297 | 76% | $37,547 | $123,100 | hp |
Ohio | OH | 3904371 | Canton City | 8,770 | 44% | $3,619 | $9,932 | $13,550 | 56% | $30,257 | $62,000 | hp |
Ohio | OH | 3904384 | Dayton City | 13,298 | 37% | $4,984 | $8,561 | $13,545 | 75% | $29,674 | $64,600 | hp |
Ohio | OH | 3904423 | Lockland Local | 496 | 39% | $6,079 | $9,264 | $15,343 | 60% | $32,700 | $78,100 | hp |
Ohio | OH | 3904873 | Northridge Local | 1,603 | 42% | $6,338 | $12,911 | $19,249 | 33% | $31,712 | $56,000 | hp |
Ohio | OH | 3904380 | Columbus City | 50,331 | 35% | $9,720 | $4,015 | $13,734 | 77% | $41,959 | $115,900 | hp |
Ohio | OH | 3904490 | Toledo City | 22,862 | 35% | $4,180 | $6,416 | $10,596 | 64% | $33,598 | $70,200 | hp |
Ohio | OH | 3904426 | Lorain City | 6,623 | 37% | $3,250 | $9,599 | $12,849 | 76% | $34,170 | $77,400 | hp |
Ohio | OH | 3904500 | Warrensville Heights City | 1,557 | 35% | $12,840 | $5,990 | $18,830 | 99% | $35,164 | $78,400 | hp |
Ohio | OH | 3904422 | Lima City | 3,739 | 36% | $3,667 | $11,587 | $15,253 | 63% | $32,255 | $62,000 | hp |
Ohio | OH | 3904390 | East Cleveland City | 2,184 | 48% | $5,701 | $11,938 | $17,640 | 100% | $23,090 | $63,400 | hp |
Ohio | OH | 3904348 | Akron City | 21,373 | 30% | $6,963 | $8,581 | $15,543 | 66% | $35,668 | $78,000 | hp |
Ohio | OH | 3904869 | Trotwood-Madison City | 2,581 | 35% | $3,838 | $8,383 | $12,221 | 94% | $31,385 | $78,200 | hp |
Ohio | OH | 3904499 | Warren City | 4,923 | 40% | $3,077 | $10,042 | $13,119 | 58% | $28,040 | $58,800 | hp |
Ohio | OH | 3904481 | Springfield City | 7,771 | 32% | $3,664 | $9,123 | $12,787 | 43% | $33,588 | $74,200 | hp |
Ohio | OH | 3904813 | Clearview Local | 1,638 | 30% | $4,511 | $6,335 | $10,846 | 56% | $32,173 | $83,800 | hp |
Ohio | OH | 3904429 | Mansfield City | 3,344 | 32% | $5,764 | $8,617 | $14,381 | 46% | $33,305 | $69,300 | hp |
Ohio | OH | 3904474 | Sandusky City | 3,325 | 30% | $7,452 | $7,449 | $14,901 | 61% | $36,117 | $81,000 | hp |
Ohio | OH | 3904404 | Garfield Heights City | 3,642 | 29% | $5,497 | $6,329 | $11,827 | 80% | $41,253 | $71,300 | hp |
Ohio | OH | 3904399 | Fostoria City | 1,838 | 27% | $4,257 | $9,227 | $13,485 | 43% | $36,200 | $65,500 | hp |
Ohio | OH | 3910008 | Crestline Exempted Village | 638 | 30% | $6,258 | $10,795 | $17,053 | 9% | $40,530 | $76,200 | hp |
Ohio | OH | 3910015 | Painesville City Local | 3,009 | 29% | $4,075 | $8,962 | $13,037 | 77% | $43,485 | $90,300 | hp |
Ohio | OH | 3904485 | Struthers City | 1,838 | 27% | $3,769 | $7,195 | $10,964 | 20% | $39,639 | $72,500 | hp |
Ohio | OH | 3904435 | Massillon City | 4,052 | 27% | $5,283 | $7,637 | $12,920 | 28% | $41,792 | $90,000 | hp |
Oklahoma | OK | 4020970 | Muskogee Public Schools | 5,980 | 39% | $3,381 | $4,130 | $7,511 | 72% | $35,776 | $85,000 | hp |
Oklahoma | OK | 4006630 | Carnegie Public Schools | 583 | 42% | $2,580 | $5,549 | $8,129 | 68% | $31,278 | $62,200 | hp |
Oklahoma | OK | 4032370 | Western Heights Public Schools | 3,580 | 33% | $7,012 | $2,994 | $10,005 | 75% | $40,715 | $85,600 | hp |
Oklahoma | OK | 4025860 | Ringling Public Schools | 432 | 36% | $2,366 | $6,238 | $8,604 | 34% | $34,107 | $63,700 | hp |
Oklahoma | OK | 4011970 | Fort Gibson Public Schools | 1,844 | 33% | $4,619 | $3,287 | $7,906 | 55% | $55,086 | $155,400 | hp |
Oklahoma | OK | 4013950 | Haskell Public Schools | 856 | 29% | $2,432 | $4,855 | $7,287 | 46% | $48,281 | $111,600 | hp |
Oklahoma | OK | 4022770 | Oklahoma City Public Schools | 39,806 | 31% | $3,635 | $4,148 | $7,783 | 86% | $39,630 | $94,300 | hp |
Oklahoma | OK | 4012570 | Geary Public Schools | 355 | 33% | $6,676 | $4,028 | $10,704 | 55% | $38,500 | $68,600 | hp |
Oklahoma | OK | 4027060 | Sayre Public Schools | 716 | 30% | $6,596 | $2,676 | $9,272 | 20% | $34,539 | $87,500 | hp |
Oklahoma | OK | 4016710 | Konawa Public Schools | 676 | 33% | $3,976 | $3,370 | $7,346 | 47% | $36,005 | $74,900 | hp |
Oregon | OR | 4100003 | Falls City 57 | 177 | 36% | $3,644 | $13,299 | $16,944 | 10% | $42,800 | $150,600 | hp |
Oregon | OR | 4113530 | Woodburn 103 | 5,656 | 30% | $2,842 | $8,834 | $11,676 | 83% | $47,438 | $174,700 | hp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4206030 | Clairton City | 807 | 40% | $3,867 | $12,019 | $15,886 | 80% | $31,112 | $45,700 | hp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4210950 | Greater Johnstown | 2,968 | 42% | $4,632 | $9,512 | $14,144 | 50% | $28,614 | $51,500 | hp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4202130 | Aliquippa | 1,077 | 39% | $5,803 | $11,309 | $17,113 | 82% | $31,121 | $72,000 | hp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4222830 | Sto-Rox | 1,264 | 37% | $5,303 | $9,552 | $14,856 | 68% | $33,496 | $58,100 | hp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4211580 | Harrisburg City | 6,182 | 38% | $9,036 | $11,484 | $20,520 | 97% | $35,300 | $82,100 | hp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4220760 | Salisbury-Elk Lick | 276 | 42% | $4,535 | $10,542 | $15,077 | 3% | $46,106 | $103,400 | hp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4220040 | Reading | 17,482 | 34% | $2,478 | $10,006 | $12,484 | 94% | $28,755 | $69,500 | hp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4218990 | Philadelphia City | 133,929 | 30% | $7,371 | $8,815 | $16,187 | 86% | $40,649 | $151,500 | hp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4205860 | Chester-Upland | 3,330 | 31% | $3,612 | $16,140 | $19,752 | 98% | $31,838 | $74,900 | hp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4209690 | Farrell Area | 709 | 39% | $7,217 | $17,132 | $24,349 | 84% | $30,040 | $57,300 | hp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4202280 | Allentown City | 16,611 | 33% | $5,067 | $8,840 | $13,908 | 89% | $37,774 | $122,500 | hp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4216620 | New Castle Area | 3,163 | 32% | $3,326 | $10,960 | $14,286 | 37% | $31,490 | $62,600 | hp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4226820 | York City | 5,451 | 32% | $5,582 | $13,454 | $19,036 | 87% | $29,834 | $74,400 | hp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4226300 | Wilkes-Barre Area | 6,963 | 32% | $8,318 | $6,502 | $14,820 | 58% | $40,305 | $88,500 | hp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4209300 | Erie City | 11,383 | 34% | $4,438 | $8,909 | $13,347 | 59% | $35,802 | $87,000 | hp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4204080 | Brownsville Area | 1,558 | 35% | $4,209 | $11,538 | $15,748 | 20% | $41,000 | $80,000 | hp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4222800 | Steelton-Highspire | 1,420 | 34% | $5,074 | $8,275 | $13,349 | 84% | $41,655 | $89,000 | hp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4221090 | Scranton | 10,038 | 28% | $6,121 | $7,030 | $13,151 | 51% | $38,683 | $104,800 | hp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4216740 | New Kensington-Arnold | 1,970 | 30% | $5,812 | $10,192 | $16,005 | 47% | $36,257 | $83,900 | hp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4214940 | McKeesport Area | 3,385 | 28% | $4,350 | $10,869 | $15,218 | 55% | $36,160 | $64,300 | hp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4203690 | Blacklick Valley | 679 | 34% | $3,075 | $11,164 | $14,239 | 2% | $39,911 | $70,500 | hp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4221330 | Sharon City | 2,049 | 32% | $4,528 | $10,283 | $14,812 | 36% | $32,493 | $64,500 | hp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4219170 | Pittsburgh | 22,359 | 24% | $12,773 | $11,027 | $23,800 | 67% | $43,985 | $107,400 | hp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4211420 | Hanover Area | 2,037 | 27% | $7,042 | $6,740 | $13,782 | 28% | $43,137 | $84,800 | hp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4219680 | Pottstown | 3,239 | 25% | $10,394 | $6,971 | $17,365 | 63% | $45,634 | $127,000 | hp |
Rhode Island | RI | 4400120 | Central Falls | 2,589 | 34% | $157 | $15,294 | $15,451 | 87% | $30,794 | $149,100 | hp |
Rhode Island | RI | 4401200 | Woonsocket | 5,863 | 29% | $2,900 | $10,174 | $13,074 | 54% | $38,340 | $158,500 | hp |
South Carolina | SC | 4501830 | Colleton County | 5,817 | 36% | $4,291 | $6,072 | $10,364 | 57% | $34,996 | $84,600 | hp |
South Carolina | SC | 4503150 | Orangeburg 3 | 2,775 | 39% | $5,760 | $6,987 | $12,747 | 91% | $31,306 | $88,800 | hp |
South Carolina | SC | 4501050 | Barnwell 29 | 894 | 45% | $3,219 | $7,447 | $10,667 | 56% | $29,125 | $88,600 | hp |
South Carolina | SC | 4503780 | Williamsburg County | 4,126 | 37% | $3,147 | $8,590 | $11,737 | 94% | $30,976 | $68,400 | hp |
South Carolina | SC | 4501770 | Clarendon 2 | 2,926 | 36% | $2,840 | $7,024 | $9,864 | 74% | $36,238 | $93,000 | hp |
Tennessee | TN | 4700148 | Shelby County | 111,403 | 31% | $4,801 | $4,505 | $9,306 | 93% | $41,322 | $104,900 | hp |
Tennessee | TN | 4702280 | Lake County | 858 | 41% | $1,976 | $7,016 | $8,992 | 33% | $31,993 | $75,100 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4812640 | Cameron Independent | 1,868 | 39% | $2,862 | $6,103 | $8,965 | 67% | $38,103 | $75,900 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4829400 | Mathis Independent | 1,686 | 39% | $3,208 | $6,967 | $10,174 | 92% | $40,761 | $61,400 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4829130 | Marlin Independent | 870 | 39% | $3,271 | $7,929 | $11,200 | 94% | $32,287 | $53,800 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4828230 | Lorenzo Independent | 277 | 37% | $6,253 | $5,617 | $11,870 | 86% | $42,039 | $66,200 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4818150 | Edgewood Independent | 10,881 | 39% | $1,684 | $7,211 | $8,895 | 99% | $29,311 | $61,700 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4808880 | Atlanta Independent | 1,693 | 36% | $4,203 | $5,200 | $9,403 | 47% | $39,451 | $100,500 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4838730 | San Antonio Independent | 52,514 | 33% | $4,687 | $5,248 | $9,935 | 98% | $33,433 | $79,800 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4830000 | Meadow Independent | 318 | 39% | $2,214 | $8,311 | $10,525 | 71% | $49,028 | $70,300 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4838820 | San Diego Independent | 1,377 | 44% | $2,755 | $7,513 | $10,268 | 99% | $25,787 | $45,800 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4844520 | Walnut Springs Independent | 191 | 40% | $4,126 | $5,476 | $9,602 | 59% | $45,000 | $91,500 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4835760 | Premont Independent | 511 | 44% | $3,734 | $8,432 | $12,166 | 99% | $35,888 | $61,700 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4814550 | Coleman Independent | 887 | 34% | $2,513 | $7,670 | $10,183 | 33% | $41,410 | $62,000 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4816230 | Dallas Independent | 157,886 | 28% | $8,156 | $2,131 | $10,287 | 95% | $46,775 | $126,700 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4812540 | Calvert Independent | 167 | 43% | $8,048 | $3,569 | $11,617 | 87% | $33,882 | $89,300 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4833360 | Odem-Edroy Independent | 1,007 | 34% | $5,599 | $6,080 | $11,679 | 87% | $50,925 | $69,400 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4800012 | Chisum Independent | 922 | 37% | $12,040 | $897 | $12,937 | 17% | $52,050 | $75,500 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4837440 | Robstown Independent | 2,797 | 33% | $3,207 | $7,203 | $10,410 | 98% | $35,022 | $55,700 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4823640 | Houston Independent | 216,106 | 29% | $8,682 | $907 | $9,589 | 91% | $50,496 | $157,000 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4844280 | Waco Independent | 15,081 | 30% | $4,701 | $5,026 | $9,728 | 91% | $31,446 | $82,000 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4835400 | Port Arthur Independent | 8,898 | 35% | $7,596 | $3,077 | $10,673 | 97% | $33,200 | $63,500 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4845090 | West Orange-Cove Consolidated Independent | 2,449 | 33% | $10,104 | $1,111 | $11,215 | 81% | $42,575 | $78,800 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4842480 | Texarkana Independent | 7,169 | 31% | $4,204 | $4,795 | $8,998 | 65% | $34,579 | $107,700 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4840440 | Slaton Independent | 1,250 | 32% | $4,902 | $6,099 | $11,001 | 74% | $43,040 | $76,300 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4813920 | Chilton Independent | 512 | 29% | $1,924 | $8,668 | $10,592 | 78% | $43,808 | $63,300 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4845120 | West Oso Independent | 2,057 | 27% | $5,529 | $4,959 | $10,488 | 98% | $38,641 | $68,800 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4825710 | Kirbyville Consolidated Independent | 1,537 | 34% | $2,649 | $6,164 | $8,813 | 22% | $34,178 | $103,500 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4807710 | Aldine Independent | 69,768 | 30% | $3,761 | $5,065 | $8,826 | 98% | $39,395 | $100,000 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4809670 | Beaumont Independent | 19,204 | 30% | $7,098 | $2,649 | $9,747 | 89% | $45,200 | $101,100 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4819700 | Fort Worth Independent | 87,428 | 26% | $5,030 | $4,528 | $9,559 | 89% | $46,185 | $107,700 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4815720 | Crockett Independent | 1,388 | 36% | $4,925 | $5,575 | $10,500 | 84% | $25,972 | $78,600 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4815120 | Coolidge Independent | 318 | 37% | $1,777 | $8,783 | $10,560 | 77% | $32,045 | $53,400 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4822380 | Hardin Independent | 1,484 | 26% | $3,639 | $5,530 | $9,170 | 19% | $45,114 | $126,800 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4825530 | Kerens Independent | 609 | 30% | $5,238 | $4,609 | $9,847 | 54% | $38,929 | $88,800 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4811580 | Brooks County Independent | 1,577 | 55% | $4,772 | $6,301 | $11,074 | 99% | $24,794 | $61,900 | hp |
Vermont | VT | 5009360 | Winooski Incorporated | 866 | 29% | $284 | $18,585 | $18,870 | 52% | $45,590 | $217,100 | hp |
Virginia | VA | 5102910 | Petersburg City Public Schools | 4,275 | 38% | $2,295 | $7,219 | $9,514 | 98% | $33,939 | $112,900 | hp |
Virginia | VA | 5103240 | Richmond City Public Schools | 24,868 | 37% | $6,676 | $5,760 | $12,436 | 88% | $42,356 | $209,200 | hp |
Virginia | VA | 5101410 | Franklin City Public Schools | 1,128 | 33% | $5,041 | $7,418 | $12,458 | 90% | $38,760 | $186,100 | hp |
Virginia | VA | 5101980 | Hopewell City Public Schools | 4,292 | 30% | $3,994 | $6,590 | $10,584 | 73% | $40,712 | $122,400 | hp |
Virginia | VA | 5102640 | Newport News City Public Schools | 28,843 | 26% | $5,288 | $6,284 | $11,572 | 75% | $51,082 | $189,300 | hp |
Virginia | VA | 5103300 | Roanoke City Public Schools | 13,677 | 29% | $6,763 | $6,384 | $13,147 | 63% | $41,483 | $133,700 | hp |
Virginia | VA | 5101110 | Danville City Public Schools | 5,956 | 37% | $3,571 | $6,825 | $10,396 | 80% | $34,951 | $90,900 | hp |
Washington | WA | 5308130 | Tukwila | 2,985 | 33% | $6,587 | $8,353 | $14,940 | 88% | $49,230 | $244,900 | hp |
Wisconsin | WI | 5509600 | Milwaukee | 76,206 | 31% | $4,438 | $9,463 | $13,902 | 88% | $38,289 | $115,800 | hp |
Wisconsin | WI | 5505640 | Granton Area | 234 | 30% | $7,449 | $9,517 | $16,966 | 15% | $49,783 | $120,000 | hp |
Wisconsin | WI | 5502340 | Cashton | 612 | 27% | $3,894 | $8,768 | $12,662 | 14% | $58,438 | $160,500 | hp |
Wisconsin | WI | 5510230 | Necedah Area | 665 | 30% | $6,457 | $7,379 | $13,836 | 8% | $46,576 | $112,300 | hp |
Wisconsin | WI | 5500630 | Augusta | 632 | 28% | $6,552 | $8,054 | $14,606 | 9% | $56,176 | $145,700 | hp |
Alabama | AL | 0100240 | Autauga County | 9,307 | 18% | $2,012 | $5,796 | $7,809 | 33% | $55,317 | $143,000 | lp |
Alabama | AL | 0100360 | Bibb County | 3,291 | 26% | $2,004 | $6,704 | $8,708 | 26% | $43,404 | $105,500 | lp |
Alabama | AL | 0100660 | Chilton County | 7,756 | 21% | $1,983 | $5,801 | $7,785 | 29% | $43,501 | $98,600 | lp |
Alabama | AL | 0101050 | Dale County | 3,135 | 23% | $2,630 | $6,330 | $8,960 | 23% | $44,558 | $99,300 | lp |
Alabama | AL | 0101290 | Elmore County | 11,417 | 16% | $2,438 | $5,470 | $7,908 | 35% | $55,728 | $156,900 | lp |
Alabama | AL | 0101760 | Homewood City | 4,170 | 8% | $8,552 | $4,407 | $12,959 | 36% | $71,494 | $319,300 | lp |
Alabama | AL | 0100007 | Hoover City | 13,938 | 7% | $8,119 | $5,021 | $13,140 | 43% | $80,798 | $270,100 | lp |
Alabama | AL | 0102070 | Lee County | 9,653 | 21% | $3,199 | $5,824 | $9,023 | 33% | $50,546 | $122,200 | lp |
Alabama | AL | 0102250 | Marengo County | 1,048 | 29% | $3,264 | $6,671 | $9,935 | 66% | $32,847 | $79,800 | lp |
Alabama | AL | 0102490 | Mountain Brook City | 4,343 | 6% | $9,760 | $4,567 | $14,327 | 4% | $132,825 | $578,100 | lp |
Alabama | AL | 0102520 | Muscle Shoals City | 2,883 | 14% | $4,198 | $5,465 | $9,663 | 28% | $52,201 | $139,600 | lp |
Alabama | AL | 0100185 | Saraland City | 3,054 | 19% | $3,829 | $5,357 | $9,186 | 22% | $57,472 | $136,200 | lp |
Alabama | AL | 0103030 | Shelby County | 20,250 | 9% | $4,391 | $5,650 | $10,041 | 27% | $71,602 | $194,600 | lp |
Alabama | AL | 0103240 | Tallassee City | 1,849 | 19% | $2,719 | $5,693 | $8,412 | 30% | $51,304 | $116,900 | lp |
Alabama | AL | 0100013 | Trussville City | 4,539 | 7% | $5,654 | $5,317 | $10,972 | 18% | $87,418 | $235,700 | lp |
Alabama | AL | 0103390 | Tuscaloosa County | 18,430 | 16% | $3,087 | $5,598 | $8,685 | 39% | $57,880 | $158,100 | lp |
Alabama | AL | 0103430 | Vestavia Hills City | 7,150 | 4% | $6,881 | $4,796 | $11,677 | 20% | $98,653 | $360,800 | lp |
Arkansas | AR | 0502700 | Bald Knob | 1,270 | 24% | $4,326 | $5,354 | $9,680 | 14% | $33,908 | $79,500 | lp |
Arkansas | AR | 0502730 | Barton-Lexa | 830 | 37% | $1,812 | $7,129 | $8,941 | 39% | $34,189 | $65,700 | lp |
Arkansas | AR | 0503090 | Bergman | 1,167 | 14% | $1,850 | $5,983 | $7,833 | 5% | $44,375 | $118,200 | lp |
Arkansas | AR | 0503480 | Bradford | 474 | 18% | $2,810 | $6,352 | $9,162 | 4% | $41,250 | $55,200 | lp |
Arkansas | AR | 0503690 | Bryant Public Schools | 9,253 | 9% | $3,382 | $5,385 | $8,767 | 31% | $62,363 | $155,500 | lp |
Arkansas | AR | 0505190 | Des Arc Public Schools | 551 | 19% | $3,178 | $6,105 | $9,283 | 10% | $41,201 | $67,900 | lp |
Arkansas | AR | 0506360 | Fouke | 1,143 | 15% | $2,717 | $5,851 | $8,569 | 4% | $47,887 | $105,300 | lp |
Arkansas | AR | 0508340 | Junction City | 680 | 15% | $5,512 | $3,853 | $9,365 | 42% | $44,420 | $62,800 | lp |
Arkansas | AR | 0508670 | Lakeside | 3,558 | 13% | $5,345 | $4,210 | $9,555 | 26% | $59,598 | $194,600 | lp |
Arkansas | AR | 0509360 | Lee County | 814 | 40% | $4,629 | $5,053 | $9,682 | 93% | $27,901 | $67,100 | lp |
Arkansas | AR | 0509390 | Marion | 3,898 | 19% | $4,249 | $5,538 | $9,786 | 59% | $55,107 | $137,000 | lp |
Arkansas | AR | 0509720 | Melbourne | 872 | 17% | $4,162 | $5,408 | $9,570 | 4% | $41,618 | $90,300 | lp |
Arkansas | AR | 0511850 | Pulaski County Special | 12,926 | 12% | $9,006 | $4,921 | $13,927 | 57% | $55,092 | $155,800 | lp |
Arkansas | AR | 0500015 | Sheridan | 4,238 | 13% | $2,727 | $5,577 | $8,304 | 10% | $51,706 | $117,200 | lp |
Arkansas | AR | 0513380 | Valley View | 2,843 | 7% | $3,930 | $5,369 | $9,299 | 11% | $87,705 | $174,300 | lp |
Arkansas | AR | 0514400 | Woodlawn | 578 | 15% | $2,587 | $6,081 | $8,668 | 8% | $48,581 | $113,700 | lp |
California | CA | 0603300 | Atascadero Unified | 4,636 | 7% | $7,230 | $4,600 | $11,830 | 36% | $72,045 | $450,800 | lp |
California | CA | 0605400 | Blue Lake Union Elementary | 169 | 16% | $6,621 | $6,852 | $13,473 | 44% | $48,482 | $320,200 | lp |
California | CA | 0606330 | Buellton Union Elementary | 614 | 7% | $12,024 | $5,497 | $17,521 | 52% | $75,587 | $462,900 | lp |
California | CA | 0609030 | Clovis Unified | 42,746 | 12% | $3,881 | $8,290 | $12,171 | 59% | $75,535 | $295,400 | lp |
California | CA | 0609480 | Columbia Union Elementary | 531 | 15% | $3,535 | $6,949 | $10,484 | 24% | $42,807 | $260,200 | lp |
California | CA | 0610320 | Curtis Creek Elementary | 458 | 14% | $7,312 | $3,910 | $11,223 | 24% | $59,029 | $296,700 | lp |
California | CA | 0611730 | Durham Unified | 986 | 9% | $4,733 | $6,380 | $11,114 | 26% | $76,360 | $391,200 | lp |
California | CA | 0612930 | Esparto Unified | 967 | 11% | $4,766 | $7,677 | $12,444 | 79% | $63,735 | $254,700 | lp |
California | CA | 0614700 | Fruitvale Elementary | 3,211 | 16% | $3,037 | $7,881 | $10,918 | 51% | $74,552 | $240,400 | lp |
California | CA | 0615180 | Gilroy Unified | 11,959 | 12% | $6,967 | $4,834 | $11,801 | 82% | $90,904 | $622,900 | lp |
California | CA | 0600068 | Golden Valley Unified | 1,875 | 10% | $4,932 | $7,941 | $12,873 | 48% | $80,046 | $295,100 | lp |
California | CA | 0618660 | Jacoby Creek Elementary | 455 | 12% | $2,811 | $6,209 | $9,020 | 27% | $70,885 | $436,200 | lp |
California | CA | 0620130 | La Caada Unified | 4,132 | 4% | $7,521 | $5,100 | $12,621 | 50% | $173,379 | $1,341,400 | lp |
California | CA | 0624300 | McKinleyville Union Elementary | 1,151 | 17% | $5,306 | $4,985 | $10,291 | 35% | $52,669 | $286,600 | lp |
California | CA | 0624360 | McSwain Union Elementary | 859 | 18% | $2,594 | $7,522 | $10,115 | 53% | $110,950 | $423,900 | lp |
California | CA | 0627450 | Norris Elementary | 4,098 | 9% | $3,540 | $7,285 | $10,825 | 43% | $104,326 | $285,400 | lp |
California | CA | 0606390 | Panama-Buena Vista | 17,900 | 19% | $1,657 | $9,274 | $10,931 | 79% | $68,750 | $237,700 | lp |
California | CA | 0633480 | Rosedale Union Elementary | 5,619 | 9% | $5,614 | $7,098 | $12,712 | 46% | $101,429 | $303,700 | lp |
California | CA | 0637830 | St. Helena Unified | 1,199 | 15% | $26,045 | $3,645 | $29,690 | 54% | $85,015 | $927,700 | lp |
California | CA | 0642120 | Westside Union Elementary | 9,302 | 11% | $2,869 | $7,503 | $10,372 | 66% | $84,752 | $316,800 | lp |
California | CA | 0642540 | Williams Unified | 1,382 | 15% | $2,801 | $8,536 | $11,337 | 95% | $59,773 | $177,900 | lp |
Connecticut | CT | 0900210 | Berlin | 2,791 | 5% | $16,474 | $5,105 | $21,579 | 18% | $93,328 | $281,100 | lp |
Connecticut | CT | 0900330 | Bloomfield | 2,143 | 12% | $18,583 | $9,462 | $28,045 | 90% | $73,593 | $211,300 | lp |
Connecticut | CT | 0900750 | Cheshire | 4,342 | 3% | $14,317 | $4,561 | $18,877 | 20% | $107,579 | $329,000 | lp |
Connecticut | CT | 0900960 | Coventry | 1,616 | 5% | $12,528 | $8,345 | $20,873 | 11% | $88,562 | $243,500 | lp |
Connecticut | CT | 0901530 | Fairfield | 9,991 | 4% | $18,793 | $2,796 | $21,589 | 22% | $127,746 | $597,900 | lp |
Connecticut | CT | 0901560 | Farmington | 4,063 | 5% | $16,982 | $3,041 | $20,023 | 35% | $94,785 | $327,900 | lp |
Connecticut | CT | 0902130 | Lebanon | 1,011 | 5% | $13,765 | $8,544 | $22,309 | 11% | $93,531 | $254,900 | lp |
Connecticut | CT | 0902880 | Newington | 4,050 | 7% | $14,831 | $5,795 | $20,625 | 39% | $79,181 | $229,900 | lp |
Connecticut | CT | 0903030 | North Haven | 3,135 | 5% | $22,952 | $3,945 | $26,897 | 20% | $96,273 | $299,000 | lp |
Connecticut | CT | 0903330 | Plymouth | 1,485 | 8% | $10,513 | $9,205 | $19,718 | 13% | $73,430 | $193,400 | lp |
Connecticut | CT | 0903537 | Regional 15 | 3,704 | 4% | $17,256 | $3,883 | $21,139 | 14% | $94,856 | $334,800 | lp |
Connecticut | CT | 0903538 | Regional 16 | 2,201 | 5% | $12,811 | $6,577 | $19,388 | 11% | $96,048 | $279,400 | lp |
Connecticut | CT | 0904170 | South Windsor | 4,159 | 4% | $15,206 | $6,070 | $21,276 | 37% | $105,986 | $281,100 | lp |
Connecticut | CT | 0904230 | Southington | 6,537 | 5% | $11,951 | $5,486 | $17,438 | 17% | $90,796 | $271,900 | lp |
Connecticut | CT | 0904500 | Thomaston | 895 | 6% | $11,721 | $8,908 | $20,629 | 8% | $67,639 | $199,400 | lp |
Connecticut | CT | 0904620 | Trumbull | 6,666 | 4% | $16,333 | $3,081 | $19,414 | 24% | $115,346 | $394,600 | lp |
Connecticut | CT | 0904890 | Watertown | 2,765 | 5% | $13,010 | $6,548 | $19,558 | 14% | $77,946 | $243,000 | lp |
Connecticut | CT | 0904920 | West Hartford | 9,709 | 8% | $14,398 | $5,011 | $19,410 | 42% | $95,298 | $326,000 | lp |
Connecticut | CT | 0905070 | Wethersfield | 3,565 | 6% | $15,155 | $5,620 | $20,776 | 27% | $81,452 | $250,700 | lp |
Connecticut | CT | 0905220 | Windsor | 3,175 | 10% | $18,366 | $7,296 | $25,661 | 72% | $89,565 | $216,500 | lp |
Connecticut | CT | 0905280 | Wolcott | 2,278 | 5% | $9,892 | $8,268 | $18,160 | 13% | $87,045 | $251,900 | lp |
Florida | FL | 1200030 | Alachua County | 29,475 | 19% | $4,077 | $4,356 | $8,433 | 57% | $45,478 | $167,000 | lp |
Florida | FL | 1200300 | Clay County | 37,051 | 13% | $2,521 | $5,592 | $8,112 | 35% | $61,971 | $165,300 | lp |
Florida | FL | 1200540 | Flagler County | 12,931 | 20% | $5,548 | $3,514 | $9,062 | 38% | $51,049 | $188,400 | lp |
Florida | FL | 1201110 | Leon County | 33,952 | 17% | $4,503 | $4,736 | $9,240 | 57% | $49,941 | $187,400 | lp |
Florida | FL | 1201680 | Sarasota County | 42,810 | 13% | $10,566 | $1,744 | $12,309 | 36% | $55,236 | $215,300 | lp |
Florida | FL | 1201740 | St. Johns County | 38,550 | 8% | $6,313 | $3,781 | $10,093 | 23% | $73,640 | $274,600 | lp |
Georgia | GA | 1300570 | Bryan County | 8,941 | 12% | $3,472 | $5,055 | $8,527 | 31% | $68,589 | $201,700 | lp |
Georgia | GA | 1301290 | Cobb County | 113,151 | 10% | $6,035 | $4,568 | $10,603 | 62% | $73,798 | $218,200 | lp |
Georgia | GA | 1301410 | Columbia County | 26,914 | 7% | $4,559 | $4,626 | $9,185 | 41% | $74,162 | $183,800 | lp |
Georgia | GA | 1301500 | Coweta County | 22,567 | 12% | $5,064 | $4,741 | $9,805 | 38% | $67,570 | $190,700 | lp |
Georgia | GA | 1301980 | Effingham County | 11,988 | 13% | $3,416 | $5,735 | $9,151 | 27% | $64,279 | $155,500 | lp |
Georgia | GA | 1302130 | Fayette County | 20,115 | 7% | $6,647 | $4,975 | $11,622 | 51% | $84,861 | $255,300 | lp |
Georgia | GA | 1302370 | Glascock County | 588 | 20% | $3,318 | $6,672 | $9,990 | 11% | $45,273 | $66,600 | lp |
Georgia | GA | 1302700 | Harris County | 5,275 | 10% | $5,590 | $4,582 | $10,172 | 26% | $69,539 | $194,800 | lp |
Georgia | GA | 1303270 | Lee County | 6,447 | 13% | $3,650 | $5,183 | $8,833 | 30% | $65,018 | $156,800 | lp |
Georgia | GA | 1303960 | Oconee County | 7,503 | 6% | $5,501 | $4,804 | $10,305 | 21% | $77,388 | $252,000 | lp |
Georgia | GA | 1304170 | Pike County | 3,328 | 12% | $3,176 | $5,792 | $8,968 | 12% | $52,377 | $162,000 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1704470 | Athens Community Unit 213 | 1,115 | 9% | $5,492 | $6,204 | $11,696 | 6% | $74,076 | $163,000 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1704920 | Ball-Chatham Community Unit 5 | 4,747 | 7% | $7,494 | $3,371 | $10,866 | 20% | $83,028 | $195,900 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1706390 | Bismarck-Henning Consolidated Unit | 938 | 14% | $5,462 | $6,196 | $11,658 | 8% | $66,677 | $123,400 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1707200 | Brimfield Community Unit 309 | 729 | 4% | $7,738 | $5,342 | $13,080 | 6% | $86,821 | $204,000 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1708790 | Cass 63 | 765 | 6% | $13,051 | $6,122 | $19,173 | 30% | $82,685 | $332,600 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1709330 | Cerro Gordo Community Unit 100 | 520 | 7% | $6,883 | $6,388 | $13,271 | 3% | $63,319 | $98,000 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1710650 | Collinsville Community Unit 10 | 6,505 | 18% | $5,188 | $3,764 | $8,953 | 40% | $55,579 | $136,300 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1706510 | Cook County 130 | 3,709 | 20% | $7,316 | $9,807 | $17,123 | 85% | $47,447 | $128,800 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1712720 | Dupo Community Unit 196 | 1,074 | 20% | $3,581 | $8,925 | $12,506 | 13% | $44,856 | $82,200 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1714160 | Elwood Community Consolidated 203 | 385 | 6% | $6,795 | $3,177 | $9,971 | 15% | $78,804 | $173,300 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1714250 | Emmons 33 | 321 | 5% | $14,246 | $5,517 | $19,763 | 13% | $85,755 | $264,400 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1715090 | Field Community Consolidated 3 | 283 | 13% | $2,166 | $6,297 | $8,463 | 4% | $60,541 | $120,600 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1715420 | Flossmoor 161 | 2,330 | 12% | $10,497 | $5,492 | $15,988 | 84% | $86,622 | $171,400 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1717160 | Gower 62 | 874 | 8% | $15,502 | $4,399 | $19,902 | 38% | $93,027 | $420,300 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1718840 | Herscher Community Unit 2 | 1,745 | 7% | $7,892 | $6,712 | $14,605 | 7% | $74,688 | $168,400 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1719500 | Homer Community Consolidated 33C | 3,734 | 5% | $11,328 | $3,296 | $14,624 | 14% | $96,784 | $289,700 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1719530 | Homewood 153 | 1,969 | 11% | $8,764 | $5,518 | $14,282 | 69% | $67,083 | $158,300 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1707290 | Lemont-Bromberek Combined 113A | 2,143 | 8% | $12,060 | $4,622 | $16,682 | 17% | $92,533 | $352,500 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1722920 | Limestone Walters Community Consolidated 316 | 201 | 3% | $7,617 | $3,662 | $11,279 | 6% | $82,188 | $213,100 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1724270 | Manhattan 114 | 1,435 | 3% | $7,671 | $5,717 | $13,388 | 13% | $96,477 | $233,400 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1724750 | Maroa-Forsyth Community Unit 2 | 1,224 | 7% | $8,342 | $4,738 | $13,080 | 19% | $61,538 | $146,600 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1726970 | Meridian Community Unit 101 | 493 | 32% | $2,477 | $18,978 | $21,454 | 66% | $34,331 | $57,100 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1727390 | Mount Zion Community Unit 3 | 2,523 | 7% | $5,406 | $4,625 | $10,031 | 8% | $75,545 | $146,300 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1729190 | Oak Lawn-Hometown 123 | 3,202 | 12% | $11,401 | $7,114 | $18,515 | 45% | $59,819 | $178,900 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1731050 | Pecatonica Community Unit 321 | 908 | 8% | $8,017 | $5,454 | $13,470 | 10% | $65,766 | $138,500 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1731920 | Pleasant Plains Community Unit 8 | 1,290 | 7% | $10,459 | $5,743 | $16,202 | 8% | $86,423 | $199,200 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1732040 | Pleasantdale 107 | 845 | 5% | $16,946 | $7,277 | $24,222 | 28% | $132,618 | $426,400 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1734320 | Rochester Community Unit 3A | 2,285 | 5% | $5,802 | $6,329 | $12,130 | 8% | $95,033 | $193,500 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1734590 | Rome Community Consolidated 2 | 367 | 13% | $2,030 | $5,826 | $7,856 | 7% | $56,875 | $123,700 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1701418 | Salt Fork Community Unit 512 | 908 | 10% | $6,067 | $7,773 | $13,840 | 4% | $53,962 | $98,400 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1737120 | St. Anne Consolidated Community 256 | 343 | 14% | $4,461 | $8,831 | $13,292 | 35% | $52,326 | $98,100 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1737680 | Steger 194 | 1,464 | 20% | $5,848 | $6,689 | $12,538 | 67% | $43,841 | $100,200 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1739930 | Unity Point Community Consolidated 140 | 699 | 18% | $3,070 | $6,146 | $9,216 | 35% | $40,431 | $148,600 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1740620 | Waltham Community Consolidated 185 | 223 | 7% | $12,112 | $5,090 | $17,202 | 6% | $76,477 | $184,300 | lp |
Illinois | IL | 1742480 | Williamsville Community Unit 15 | 1,567 | 6% | $5,678 | $6,063 | $11,741 | 5% | $96,286 | $202,200 | lp |
Indiana | IN | 1800270 | Avon Community School Corporation | 9,627 | 5% | $4,397 | $7,184 | $11,581 | 31% | $80,209 | $170,400 | lp |
Indiana | IN | 1801020 | Brownsburg Community School Corporation | 8,719 | 4% | $4,671 | $7,070 | $11,741 | 24% | $79,391 | $179,800 | lp |
Indiana | IN | 1803030 | Eastbrook Community School Corporation | 1,415 | 13% | $2,712 | $8,384 | $11,096 | 7% | $58,938 | $111,800 | lp |
Indiana | IN | 1804170 | Griffith Public Schools | 2,373 | 15% | $3,403 | $7,788 | $11,192 | 51% | $57,317 | $135,700 | lp |
Indiana | IN | 1804590 | Hobart School City | 4,038 | 14% | $3,681 | $7,535 | $11,216 | 34% | $59,605 | $129,600 | lp |
Indiana | IN | 1805450 | Lake Central School Corporation | 9,630 | 6% | $5,126 | $7,389 | $12,515 | 27% | $79,998 | $219,100 | lp |
Indiana | IN | 1809690 | Merrillville Community School | 6,558 | 17% | $5,195 | $8,225 | $13,420 | 86% | $58,589 | $139,200 | lp |
Indiana | IN | 1807230 | Mount Pleasant Township Community School Corporation | 2,232 | 9% | $2,850 | $8,177 | $11,028 | 14% | $60,921 | $129,600 | lp |
Indiana | IN | 1807350 | Munster School Town | 3,825 | 5% | $5,909 | $7,260 | $13,169 | 41% | $78,251 | $217,700 | lp |
Indiana | IN | 1808340 | Oak Hill United School Corporation | 1,304 | 15% | $4,092 | $9,797 | $13,889 | 9% | $59,299 | $120,400 | lp |
Indiana | IN | 1809150 | Portage Township Schools | 7,799 | 16% | $2,537 | $7,809 | $10,346 | 41% | $56,396 | $139,300 | lp |
Indiana | IN | 1810440 | South Madison Community School Corporation | 4,218 | 9% | $4,048 | $7,709 | $11,757 | 8% | $68,250 | $137,400 | lp |
Indiana | IN | 1810770 | Southern Wells Community Schools | 664 | 8% | $3,840 | $9,407 | $13,247 | 5% | $57,734 | $126,400 | lp |
Indiana | IN | 1813200 | Whiting School City | 923 | 21% | $2,834 | $10,235 | $13,069 | 73% | $65,697 | $125,500 | lp |
Iowa | IA | 1908730 | Decorah Community | 1,427 | 5% | $9,391 | $5,641 | $15,032 | 9% | $61,772 | $178,600 | lp |
Iowa | IA | 1919710 | Moravia Community | 354 | 14% | $6,833 | $6,768 | $13,602 | 4% | $45,337 | $113,900 | lp |
Kentucky | KY | 2100900 | Campbell County | 4,966 | 6% | $5,442 | $5,007 | $10,449 | 8% | $65,711 | $169,700 | lp |
Kentucky | KY | 2102040 | Fort Thomas Independent | 3,108 | 4% | $5,817 | $5,535 | $11,352 | 8% | $71,956 | $214,000 | lp |
Kentucky | KY | 2102010 | Franklin County | 6,414 | 17% | $4,351 | $5,354 | $9,705 | 25% | $55,369 | $140,400 | lp |
Kentucky | KY | 2102790 | Hickman County | 766 | 24% | $3,465 | $6,946 | $10,411 | 19% | $38,036 | $70,200 | lp |
Kentucky | KY | 2103090 | Kenton County | 14,377 | 8% | $4,549 | $5,150 | $9,698 | 13% | $70,942 | $168,200 | lp |
Kentucky | KY | 2103210 | Laurel County | 9,301 | 26% | $2,175 | $6,194 | $8,369 | 5% | $37,366 | $102,700 | lp |
Kentucky | KY | 2103720 | Madison County | 11,877 | 14% | $3,266 | $5,520 | $8,786 | 14% | $47,552 | $152,200 | lp |
Kentucky | KY | 2104770 | Perry County | 4,163 | 30% | $2,167 | $6,970 | $9,138 | 3% | $34,692 | $70,200 | lp |
Louisiana | LA | 2201020 | Livingston Parish | 25,150 | 14% | $3,507 | $6,449 | $9,956 | 15% | $60,456 | $155,800 | lp |
Louisiana | LA | 2201230 | Plaquemines Parish | 4,059 | 17% | $11,104 | $2,714 | $13,817 | 45% | $49,635 | $165,900 | lp |
Louisiana | LA | 2201350 | Richland Parish | 2,986 | 39% | $4,382 | $5,947 | $10,329 | 57% | $34,745 | $86,900 | lp |
Louisiana | LA | 2201950 | West Carroll Parish | 2,101 | 28% | $2,959 | $6,779 | $9,737 | 22% | $37,304 | $79,400 | lp |
Maryland | MD | 2400060 | Anne Arundel County Public Schools | 81,379 | 7% | $9,209 | $5,102 | $14,311 | 45% | $94,502 | $346,000 | lp |
Maryland | MD | 2400120 | Baltimore County Public Schools | 112,139 | 10% | $8,624 | $6,426 | $15,050 | 60% | $71,810 | $249,600 | lp |
Massachusetts | MA | 2501800 | Agawam | 3,957 | 12% | $10,251 | $6,614 | $16,865 | 14% | $61,919 | $223,300 | lp |
Massachusetts | MA | 2501950 | Andover | 6,106 | 4% | $15,502 | $3,533 | $19,034 | 27% | $143,292 | $603,700 | lp |
Massachusetts | MA | 2503150 | Brookline | 7,750 | 6% | $17,378 | $4,056 | $21,434 | 45% | $111,289 | $829,300 | lp |
Massachusetts | MA | 2504020 | Dartmouth | 3,697 | 7% | $10,859 | $4,165 | $15,024 | 11% | $74,742 | $329,900 | lp |
Massachusetts | MA | 2504050 | Dedham | 2,740 | 6% | $17,564 | $3,934 | $21,497 | 29% | $89,514 | $416,500 | lp |
Massachusetts | MA | 2504500 | East Longmeadow | 2,674 | 9% | $10,645 | $5,648 | $16,293 | 16% | $85,221 | $256,500 | lp |
Massachusetts | MA | 2504590 | Easthampton | 1,592 | 9% | $9,638 | $6,158 | $15,796 | 20% | $61,004 | $243,200 | lp |
Massachusetts | MA | 2505070 | Freetown-Lakeville | 2,812 | 6% | $8,618 | $5,852 | $14,469 | 5% | $93,434 | $345,800 | lp |
Massachusetts | MA | 2505580 | Hadley | 567 | 7% | $13,970 | $3,824 | $17,794 | 18% | $58,953 | $310,100 | lp |
Massachusetts | MA | 2505730 | Hampden-Wilbraham | 3,139 | 6% | $11,351 | $5,774 | $17,125 | 14% | $97,656 | $290,600 | lp |
Massachusetts | MA | 2506990 | Longmeadow | 2,889 | 7% | $13,544 | $3,563 | $17,108 | 20% | $112,831 | $328,000 | lp |
Massachusetts | MA | 2507050 | Ludlow | 2,679 | 11% | $10,192 | $6,679 | $16,871 | 14% | $67,715 | $224,700 | lp |
Massachusetts | MA | 2507980 | Milton | 4,195 | 4% | $12,638 | $3,385 | $16,023 | 31% | $126,000 | $558,700 | lp |
Massachusetts | MA | 2508370 | Needham | 5,671 | 2% | $15,823 | $3,623 | $19,446 | 21% | $141,690 | $752,000 | lp |
Massachusetts | MA | 2508610 | Newton | 12,955 | 5% | $17,219 | $4,168 | $21,387 | 36% | $133,853 | $845,100 | lp |
Massachusetts | MA | 2508700 | North Andover | 4,849 | 5% | $10,633 | $3,264 | $13,897 | 23% | $105,661 | $457,800 | lp |
Massachusetts | MA | 2510920 | South Hadley | 1,888 | 8% | $11,047 | $5,653 | $16,701 | 18% | $66,940 | $233,100 | lp |
Massachusetts | MA | 2512630 | Westfield | 5,598 | 15% | $7,363 | $7,687 | $15,050 | 21% | $62,212 | $220,500 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2602520 | Allen Park Public Schools | 3,798 | 9% | $2,721 | $8,395 | $11,116 | 17% | $74,672 | $113,800 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2603690 | Avondale | 3,291 | 6% | $6,275 | $8,219 | $14,494 | 44% | $77,981 | $186,300 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2604170 | Bath Community Schools | 1,122 | 8% | $3,860 | $7,439 | $11,299 | 17% | $66,103 | $160,800 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2606090 | Bloomfield Hills | 5,556 | 4% | $11,403 | $8,405 | $19,808 | 28% | $126,679 | $394,800 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2607590 | Cadillac Area Public Schools | 3,188 | 17% | $3,170 | $6,845 | $10,015 | 7% | $44,072 | $95,000 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2610020 | Climax-Scotts Community | 506 | 16% | $3,785 | $8,320 | $12,105 | 11% | $62,192 | $152,600 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2610380 | Coloma Community Schools | 1,576 | 20% | $3,454 | $6,718 | $10,173 | 31% | $55,899 | $132,600 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2611550 | DeWitt Public Schools | 3,169 | 3% | $2,830 | $8,003 | $10,832 | 15% | $87,440 | $214,500 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2612450 | East Detroit Public Schools | 2,975 | 26% | $2,759 | $7,720 | $10,479 | 83% | $43,080 | $61,000 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2612600 | East Lansing | 3,629 | 13% | $5,520 | $6,856 | $12,376 | 42% | $38,580 | $176,600 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2614280 | Ferndale Public Schools | 3,127 | 14% | $3,988 | $7,946 | $11,934 | 74% | $61,254 | $140,500 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2614550 | Flushing Community Schools | 4,071 | 11% | $1,665 | $8,102 | $9,766 | 18% | $60,730 | $121,500 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2614760 | Frankenmuth | 1,256 | 5% | $5,131 | $6,391 | $11,521 | 10% | $65,000 | $171,400 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2615060 | Freeland Community | 1,927 | 6% | $2,060 | $7,539 | $9,599 | 7% | $76,899 | $161,900 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2615390 | Fruitport Community Schools | 2,819 | 12% | $2,825 | $7,695 | $10,520 | 12% | $54,169 | $122,100 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2615450 | Galesburg-Augusta Community | 1,025 | 15% | $4,167 | $7,794 | $11,961 | 11% | $52,614 | $123,400 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2616350 | Grand Blanc Community Schools | 8,253 | 8% | $2,905 | $7,704 | $10,609 | 27% | $63,605 | $145,000 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2616410 | Grand Ledge Public Schools | 5,240 | 7% | $4,223 | $7,087 | $11,310 | 20% | $65,262 | $164,200 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2625740 | Grosse Pointe Public Schools | 7,931 | 6% | $5,148 | $8,520 | $13,668 | 25% | $98,063 | $254,500 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2617250 | Gull Lake Community Schools | 3,155 | 7% | $3,950 | $8,488 | $12,439 | 15% | $70,762 | $194,200 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2617730 | Harper Creek Community Schools | 2,784 | 13% | $3,862 | $7,327 | $11,189 | 14% | $57,964 | $149,100 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2617970 | Hastings Area | 2,708 | 11% | $3,541 | $7,421 | $10,962 | 7% | $51,799 | $119,800 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2618030 | Hazel Park City | 3,347 | 20% | $4,614 | $8,629 | $13,243 | 45% | $36,950 | $63,400 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2618480 | Holt Public Schools | 5,555 | 13% | $3,787 | $8,317 | $12,104 | 36% | $61,495 | $150,900 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2620070 | Kearsley Community Schools | 3,015 | 17% | $1,290 | $8,320 | $9,610 | 19% | $52,549 | $87,500 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2620730 | Lake Orion Community Schools | 7,596 | 4% | $4,559 | $8,472 | $13,031 | 19% | $91,717 | $247,600 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2620850 | Lakeview | 4,143 | 18% | $3,330 | $7,567 | $10,897 | 40% | $55,802 | $119,700 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2621600 | Lincoln Park Public Schools | 4,886 | 24% | $3,725 | $8,603 | $12,328 | 58% | $42,119 | $64,700 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2621840 | Livonia Public Schools | 14,336 | 8% | $5,141 | $8,371 | $13,512 | 22% | $68,370 | $164,600 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2623130 | Mason County Central Schools | 1,290 | 19% | $3,351 | $7,015 | $10,366 | 13% | $46,379 | $122,200 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2623310 | McBain Rural Agricultural Schools | 1,009 | 14% | $2,392 | $7,428 | $9,821 | 8% | $48,448 | $113,500 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2624120 | Mona Shores Public | 3,871 | 10% | $3,683 | $7,529 | $11,212 | 22% | $55,194 | $122,200 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2626190 | Oak Park City | 4,966 | 20% | $2,140 | $8,649 | $10,789 | 97% | $49,061 | $84,600 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2627810 | Pennfield | 2,201 | 16% | $2,130 | $8,020 | $10,149 | 18% | $52,234 | $117,000 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2628200 | Pine River Area Schools | 1,022 | 21% | $3,008 | $6,995 | $10,003 | 7% | $44,524 | $94,900 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2628560 | Plymouth-Canton Community Schools | 17,394 | 5% | $4,171 | $7,330 | $11,500 | 30% | $85,972 | $242,700 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2629460 | Redford Union | 2,948 | 24% | $4,886 | $9,641 | $14,526 | 74% | $48,875 | $69,100 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2629490 | Reed City Area Public Schools | 1,589 | 21% | $2,763 | $6,976 | $9,739 | 7% | $40,570 | $87,400 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2629520 | Reese Public Schools | 802 | 15% | $2,897 | $7,460 | $10,357 | 11% | $51,362 | $102,900 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2629540 | Reeths-Puffer Schools | 3,819 | 12% | $3,116 | $8,067 | $11,183 | 12% | $60,006 | $130,400 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2629940 | Rochester Community | 15,162 | 3% | $4,458 | $8,396 | $12,854 | 25% | $95,651 | $302,400 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2630450 | Saginaw Township Community Schools | 4,955 | 11% | $2,986 | $6,777 | $9,763 | 38% | $48,601 | $119,800 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2632220 | South Lake Schools | 1,720 | 12% | $5,238 | $7,660 | $12,899 | 62% | $56,007 | $103,300 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2632280 | South Redford | 3,290 | 21% | $3,446 | $9,431 | $12,877 | 82% | $54,802 | $75,700 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2632310 | Southfield Public | 6,290 | 14% | $9,150 | $5,953 | $15,102 | 97% | $53,920 | $127,800 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2632850 | St. Joseph Public Schools | 3,004 | 8% | $4,150 | $6,616 | $10,766 | 21% | $66,111 | $185,200 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2633410 | Swan Valley | 1,779 | 9% | $2,001 | $7,811 | $9,811 | 17% | $57,632 | $122,000 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2635220 | Warren Woods Public Schools | 3,227 | 12% | $3,726 | $8,756 | $12,482 | 34% | $50,310 | $112,000 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2635460 | Watervliet | 1,446 | 18% | $2,700 | $7,356 | $10,056 | 22% | $43,935 | $119,600 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2635820 | West Bloomfield | 5,527 | 6% | $6,298 | $7,933 | $14,231 | 47% | $93,248 | $266,300 | lp |
Michigan | MI | 2636540 | Wyandotte City | 4,595 | 15% | $5,754 | $8,845 | $14,599 | 19% | $54,709 | $89,700 | lp |
Minnesota | MN | 2711250 | Edina Public | 8,627 | 3% | $7,274 | $8,289 | $15,564 | 26% | $112,365 | $476,800 | lp |
Minnesota | MN | 2733810 | South Washington County | 18,485 | 3% | $5,305 | $8,846 | $14,151 | 31% | $94,383 | $249,300 | lp |
Mississippi | MS | 2800510 | Attala County | 1,078 | 26% | $4,909 | $5,241 | $10,150 | 56% | $33,650 | $56,200 | lp |
Mississippi | MS | 2800930 | Carroll County | 1,032 | 23% | $2,901 | $4,930 | $7,831 | 61% | $43,068 | $90,900 | lp |
Mississippi | MS | 2801320 | DeSoto County | 33,537 | 12% | $2,966 | $4,673 | $7,639 | 48% | $62,595 | $158,600 | lp |
Mississippi | MS | 2801440 | Enterprise | 995 | 17% | $3,456 | $4,827 | $8,283 | 12% | $51,563 | $88,100 | lp |
Mississippi | MS | 2801530 | Franklin County | 1,333 | 26% | $4,855 | $5,583 | $10,438 | 45% | $42,388 | $74,700 | lp |
Mississippi | MS | 2801680 | Grenada | 4,016 | 29% | $2,342 | $5,078 | $7,420 | 52% | $34,876 | $93,200 | lp |
Mississippi | MS | 2801830 | Hazlehurst City | 1,546 | 33% | $3,318 | $4,499 | $7,817 | 98% | $36,934 | $92,800 | lp |
Mississippi | MS | 2801860 | Hinds County | 6,004 | 14% | $4,870 | $4,676 | $9,546 | 86% | $57,868 | $141,000 | lp |
Mississippi | MS | 2802400 | Lamar County | 9,893 | 17% | $3,540 | $5,026 | $8,565 | 34% | $60,706 | $172,400 | lp |
Mississippi | MS | 2802640 | Lincoln County | 3,221 | 21% | $1,920 | $5,019 | $6,939 | 15% | $41,190 | $85,600 | lp |
Mississippi | MS | 2802790 | Madison County | 13,171 | 9% | $5,730 | $4,499 | $10,229 | 49% | $76,567 | $222,800 | lp |
Mississippi | MS | 2802940 | Monroe County | 2,358 | 16% | $2,570 | $5,268 | $7,838 | 9% | $47,523 | $96,000 | lp |
Mississippi | MS | 2803210 | North Panola | 1,452 | 36% | $2,860 | $5,909 | $8,769 | 97% | $31,805 | $64,900 | lp |
Mississippi | MS | 2803830 | Rankin County | 19,205 | 10% | $4,070 | $4,574 | $8,644 | 29% | $67,104 | $164,700 | lp |
Mississippi | MS | 2804050 | South Panola | 4,426 | 32% | $3,246 | $5,045 | $8,292 | 60% | $38,643 | $77,400 | lp |
Mississippi | MS | 2804230 | Tate County | 2,649 | 23% | $2,587 | $5,589 | $8,176 | 43% | $45,265 | $98,300 | lp |
Mississippi | MS | 2804470 | Vicksburg Warren | 8,311 | 28% | $4,027 | $4,533 | $8,561 | 68% | $41,635 | $114,600 | lp |
Missouri | MO | 2902910 | Affton 101 | 2,474 | 8% | $9,689 | $3,541 | $13,230 | 21% | $52,446 | $144,500 | lp |
Missouri | MO | 2905070 | Billings R-IV | 410 | 10% | $4,171 | $5,215 | $9,385 | 6% | $51,667 | $151,700 | lp |
Missouri | MO | 2905370 | Bolivar R-I | 2,823 | 19% | $3,260 | $5,496 | $8,756 | 8% | $45,102 | $130,600 | lp |
Missouri | MO | 2909720 | Clayton | 2,254 | 3% | $19,850 | $4,874 | $24,724 | 28% | $88,403 | $572,100 | lp |
Missouri | MO | 2909780 | Clever R-V | 1,214 | 13% | $3,374 | $5,922 | $9,296 | 5% | $54,930 | $132,700 | lp |
Missouri | MO | 2926970 | Cole County R-I | 577 | 7% | $5,000 | $4,210 | $9,210 | 5% | $56,528 | $167,500 | lp |
Missouri | MO | 2910500 | De Soto 73 | 2,841 | 16% | $3,937 | $6,187 | $10,124 | 4% | $48,460 | $114,100 | lp |
Missouri | MO | 2912540 | Fredericktown R-I | 1,968 | 21% | $2,994 | $5,217 | $8,211 | 5% | $38,406 | $100,800 | lp |
Missouri | MO | 2918300 | Lee's Summit R-VII | 18,261 | 7% | $7,035 | $5,560 | $12,595 | 25% | $82,865 | $199,400 | lp |
Missouri | MO | 2919170 | Logan-Rogersville R-VIII | 2,288 | 9% | $4,795 | $4,919 | $9,715 | 6% | $62,728 | $187,300 | lp |
Missouri | MO | 2920010 | Maplewood-Richmond Heights | 1,366 | 10% | $12,873 | $4,045 | $16,919 | 37% | $53,432 | $186,500 | lp |
Missouri | MO | 2920430 | Marshfield R-I | 2,969 | 20% | $3,036 | $5,391 | $8,427 | 7% | $43,944 | $123,700 | lp |
Missouri | MO | 2923640 | Meadow Heights R-II | 572 | 18% | $2,949 | $4,722 | $7,671 | 3% | $40,833 | $118,700 | lp |
Missouri | MO | 2921600 | Mount Vernon R-V | 1,445 | 16% | $3,722 | $5,024 | $8,747 | 9% | $43,604 | $124,600 | lp |
Missouri | MO | 2922530 | Nixa | 6,175 | 9% | $3,888 | $5,624 | $9,512 | 13% | $56,711 | $168,400 | lp |
Missouri | MO | 2922800 | North Kansas City 74 | 20,188 | 12% | $8,106 | $5,162 | $13,268 | 40% | $59,459 | $140,200 | lp |
Missouri | MO | 2923130 | Oran R-III | 352 | 10% | $3,767 | $5,173 | $8,940 | 3% | $50,290 | $104,500 | lp |
Missouri | MO | 2928590 | Southern Reynolds County R-II | 485 | 25% | $3,728 | $5,087 | $8,814 | 5% | $37,981 | $111,400 | lp |
Missouri | MO | 2928800 | Spokane R-VII | 756 | 11% | $4,351 | $5,597 | $9,947 | 5% | $55,703 | $162,700 | lp |
Missouri | MO | 2931530 | Webster Groves | 4,518 | 4% | $9,739 | $4,139 | $13,878 | 20% | $84,643 | $242,300 | lp |
Missouri | MO | 2919350 | Woodland R-IV | 910 | 23% | $2,709 | $5,171 | $7,880 | 1% | $37,932 | $92,900 | lp |
Nebraska | NE | 3172150 | Humphrey Public Schools | 267 | 5% | $13,592 | $4,213 | $17,805 | 1% | $61,050 | $154,300 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3401560 | Berkeley Township | 2,139 | 13% | $14,427 | $2,840 | $17,267 | 29% | $48,054 | $179,300 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3402220 | Brick Township | 8,912 | 9% | $12,032 | $6,151 | $18,183 | 24% | $73,051 | $279,400 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3403420 | Collingswood Borough | 1,911 | 11% | $11,933 | $7,781 | $19,714 | 41% | $64,885 | $259,200 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3404110 | East Brunswick Township | 8,008 | 7% | $16,939 | $4,489 | $21,428 | 46% | $105,959 | $383,200 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3404500 | Edison Township | 15,687 | 7% | $13,727 | $3,118 | $16,845 | 84% | $95,622 | $373,000 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3404560 | Egg Harbor Township | 7,503 | 14% | $11,052 | $7,378 | $18,430 | 54% | $78,099 | $218,800 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3404660 | Elmwood Park Borough | 2,716 | 9% | $13,241 | $2,621 | $15,862 | 57% | $76,907 | $348,200 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3404920 | Ewing Township | 3,642 | 11% | $16,850 | $4,869 | $21,719 | 70% | $74,534 | $218,600 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3404950 | Fair Haven Borough | 1,019 | 4% | $14,262 | $2,286 | $16,548 | 7% | $158,264 | $686,100 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3404980 | Fair Lawn Borough | 4,943 | 4% | $17,596 | $3,313 | $20,910 | 36% | $109,747 | $406,400 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3405490 | Franklin Township | 7,392 | 8% | $18,378 | $4,089 | $22,466 | 87% | $93,264 | $328,500 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3405640 | Freehold Township | 3,801 | 7% | $18,210 | $3,412 | $21,622 | 24% | $99,827 | $410,300 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3406360 | Haddon Township | 2,075 | 6% | $12,576 | $6,201 | $18,777 | 17% | $86,360 | $256,900 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3406540 | Hamilton Township | 11,783 | 11% | $9,623 | $8,322 | $17,946 | 52% | $73,415 | $244,300 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3406990 | Hawthorne Borough | 2,413 | 11% | $15,781 | $3,061 | $18,842 | 39% | $93,675 | $377,700 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3413680 | Hazlet Township | 2,989 | 6% | $13,256 | $6,477 | $19,733 | 17% | $94,657 | $310,600 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3407170 | Highland Park Borough | 1,667 | 9% | $16,647 | $4,653 | $21,300 | 62% | $75,913 | $360,000 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3407350 | Hoboken City | 2,609 | 9% | $22,796 | $14,800 | $37,596 | 56% | $127,523 | $652,200 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3407740 | Jackson Township | 8,608 | 7% | $11,208 | $7,665 | $18,873 | 21% | $88,063 | $340,500 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3408400 | Lawrence Township | 3,969 | 7% | $17,217 | $3,192 | $20,409 | 56% | $96,529 | $294,600 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3410110 | Middletown Township | 9,724 | 4% | $14,648 | $4,192 | $18,841 | 12% | $105,035 | $402,800 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3410560 | Montclair Town | 6,741 | 7% | $17,332 | $3,515 | $20,847 | 49% | $113,293 | $604,200 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3411490 | North Brunswick Township | 6,115 | 11% | $13,616 | $3,979 | $17,595 | 81% | $88,723 | $318,000 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3411550 | North Haledon Borough | 655 | 8% | $16,272 | $2,791 | $19,063 | 19% | $96,851 | $424,100 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3412060 | Ocean Township | 3,621 | 10% | $18,247 | $4,930 | $23,177 | 36% | $83,125 | $401,300 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3413050 | Piscataway Township | 7,317 | 8% | $14,647 | $4,249 | $18,896 | 84% | $89,617 | $310,300 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3414460 | Rutherford Borough | 2,623 | 4% | $15,650 | $3,181 | $18,831 | 42% | $93,787 | $446,500 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3414670 | Scotch Plains-Fanwood Regional | 5,582 | 3% | $15,787 | $2,576 | $18,362 | 30% | $121,310 | $464,900 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3414970 | Shrewsbury Borough | 485 | 2% | $16,002 | $2,614 | $18,616 | 5% | $122,321 | $530,100 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3415330 | South Orange-Maplewood | 7,136 | 5% | $16,540 | $2,694 | $19,233 | 48% | $123,610 | $506,200 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3416230 | Toms River Regional | 15,878 | 9% | $9,966 | $6,052 | $16,017 | 27% | $75,500 | $276,500 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3416920 | Wallington Borough | 1,331 | 11% | $12,241 | $4,070 | $16,311 | 32% | $62,648 | $351,900 | lp |
New Jersey | NJ | 3417430 | West Deptford Township | 2,985 | 7% | $11,351 | $5,951 | $17,302 | 26% | $71,705 | $212,900 | lp |
New Mexico | NM | 3500030 | Alamogordo Public Schools | 6,006 | 25% | $1,324 | $6,870 | $8,195 | 52% | $45,567 | $115,300 | lp |
New York | NY | 3602920 | Amherst Central | 2,944 | 11% | $11,647 | $7,579 | $19,226 | 31% | $78,194 | $154,500 | lp |
New York | NY | 3603270 | Arlington Central | 8,398 | 8% | $15,175 | $8,611 | $23,786 | 28% | $89,483 | $285,400 | lp |
New York | NY | 3600016 | Averill Park Central | 2,784 | 4% | $10,720 | $9,997 | $20,717 | 7% | $91,811 | $222,300 | lp |
New York | NY | 3604530 | Bemus Point Central | 735 | 12% | $10,974 | $7,571 | $18,546 | 4% | $54,936 | $134,700 | lp |
New York | NY | 3604710 | Bethlehem Central | 4,624 | 3% | $13,942 | $7,378 | $21,320 | 14% | $104,402 | $282,900 | lp |
New York | NY | 3605460 | Brighton Central | 3,628 | 8% | $14,550 | $5,722 | $20,271 | 30% | $76,205 | $181,700 | lp |
New York | NY | 3627000 | Cheektowaga-Sloan Union Free | 1,415 | 18% | $9,255 | $13,812 | $23,067 | 17% | $49,535 | $85,600 | lp |
New York | NY | 3607290 | Chenango Valley Central | 1,794 | 11% | $9,302 | $11,017 | $20,319 | 9% | $59,854 | $117,600 | lp |
New York | NY | 3620340 | Clarkstown Central | 8,156 | 6% | $18,459 | $6,051 | $24,510 | 36% | $122,521 | $473,000 | lp |
New York | NY | 3607680 | Cleveland Hill Union Free | 1,285 | 19% | $8,357 | $13,941 | $22,298 | 49% | $53,393 | $97,500 | lp |
New York | NY | 3609690 | East Irondequoit Central | 3,185 | 21% | $11,828 | $11,932 | $23,760 | 50% | $52,101 | $110,600 | lp |
New York | NY | 3609990 | East Syracuse-Minoa Central | 3,431 | 12% | $12,480 | $10,310 | $22,790 | 13% | $59,745 | $122,700 | lp |
New York | NY | 3611400 | Frankfort-Schuyler Central | 970 | 15% | $6,596 | $13,502 | $20,098 | 7% | $51,865 | $103,500 | lp |
New York | NY | 3611610 | Frewsburg Central | 836 | 12% | $5,394 | $14,110 | $19,504 | 6% | $47,295 | $91,700 | lp |
New York | NY | 3611670 | Frontier Central | 4,907 | 8% | $8,393 | $7,843 | $16,236 | 10% | $63,193 | $145,100 | lp |
New York | NY | 3611730 | Galway Central | 822 | 8% | $11,300 | $12,198 | $23,499 | 2% | $66,754 | $211,900 | lp |
New York | NY | 3611760 | Garden City Union Free | 3,850 | 3% | $25,305 | $3,022 | $28,327 | 12% | $161,163 | $811,800 | lp |
New York | NY | 3611880 | Gates-Chili Central | 4,229 | 15% | $12,254 | $11,891 | $24,145 | 41% | $61,056 | $121,000 | lp |
New York | NY | 3612630 | Greece Central | 11,083 | 17% | $9,573 | $10,832 | $20,405 | 36% | $54,293 | $124,400 | lp |
New York | NY | 3613080 | Guilderland Central | 4,879 | 4% | $13,657 | $6,491 | $20,148 | 25% | $76,743 | $250,400 | lp |
New York | NY | 3614010 | Haverstraw-Stony Point Central (North Rockland) | 7,981 | 14% | $16,085 | $10,103 | $26,188 | 73% | $82,574 | $329,200 | lp |
New York | NY | 3609090 | Jamesville-DeWitt Central | 2,917 | 10% | $12,130 | $5,958 | $18,089 | 25% | $79,699 | $197,000 | lp |
New York | NY | 3616230 | Kenmore-Tonawanda Union Free | 6,913 | 13% | $11,623 | $10,768 | $22,391 | 22% | $55,127 | $122,400 | lp |
New York | NY | 3617190 | Lewiston-Porter Central | 2,030 | 8% | $11,852 | $9,453 | $21,304 | 9% | $66,726 | $168,000 | lp |
New York | NY | 3617520 | Liverpool Central | 7,279 | 11% | $10,054 | $10,314 | $20,368 | 25% | $62,353 | $136,900 | lp |
New York | NY | 3620190 | Nanuet Union Free | 2,224 | 7% | $25,840 | $5,487 | $31,328 | 44% | $108,893 | $434,600 | lp |
New York | NY | 3620370 | New Hartford Central | 2,572 | 7% | $12,163 | $7,621 | $19,783 | 15% | $72,532 | $168,200 | lp |
New York | NY | 3620610 | New York Mills Union Free | 571 | 13% | $12,282 | $9,671 | $21,953 | 13% | $39,265 | $117,800 | lp |
New York | NY | 3620880 | Niskayuna Central | 4,223 | 6% | $12,579 | $6,378 | $18,958 | 28% | $108,381 | $263,000 | lp |
New York | NY | 3621210 | North Syracuse Central | 8,989 | 11% | $8,852 | $9,292 | $18,144 | 16% | $68,509 | $134,700 | lp |
New York | NY | 3621810 | Onondaga Central | 902 | 14% | $9,757 | $13,102 | $22,859 | 23% | $65,610 | $121,300 | lp |
New York | NY | 3622560 | Pearl River Union Free | 2,522 | 8% | $19,653 | $6,296 | $25,950 | 19% | $106,315 | $458,900 | lp |
New York | NY | 3622680 | Pelham Union Free | 2,876 | 4% | $20,549 | $4,146 | $24,695 | 33% | $146,833 | $751,600 | lp |
New York | NY | 3622710 | Penfield Central | 4,581 | 5% | $13,521 | $7,822 | $21,343 | 16% | $80,926 | $177,600 | lp |
New York | NY | 3628320 | Ramapo Central (Suffern) | 4,337 | 9% | $22,959 | $8,439 | $31,398 | 40% | $94,278 | $380,900 | lp |
New York | NY | 3600004 | Rotterdam-Mohonasen Central | 2,789 | 11% | $9,388 | $8,601 | $17,989 | 17% | $61,239 | $160,700 | lp |
New York | NY | 3625170 | Rush-Henrietta Central | 5,433 | 14% | $14,572 | $8,058 | $22,630 | 37% | $62,059 | $143,600 | lp |
New York | NY | 3625980 | Schalmont Central | 1,850 | 9% | $15,870 | $9,228 | $25,097 | 12% | $78,466 | $203,100 | lp |
New York | NY | 3626310 | Scotia-Glenville Central | 2,485 | 8% | $10,562 | $9,484 | $20,045 | 8% | $69,071 | $166,700 | lp |
New York | NY | 3627150 | Solvay Union Free | 1,510 | 17% | $9,310 | $12,189 | $21,498 | 22% | $49,968 | $114,100 | lp |
New York | NY | 3627210 | South Colonie Central | 4,911 | 8% | $13,688 | $6,555 | $20,243 | 31% | $72,829 | $209,500 | lp |
New York | NY | 3606500 | Spackenkill Union Free | 1,439 | 7% | $22,188 | $7,777 | $29,965 | 38% | $76,500 | $253,500 | lp |
New York | NY | 3629610 | Vestal Central | 3,373 | 8% | $12,991 | $9,177 | $22,168 | 19% | $65,673 | $147,200 | lp |
New York | NY | 3615390 | West Irondequoit Central | 3,597 | 10% | $9,881 | $10,232 | $20,112 | 28% | $63,626 | $127,900 | lp |
New York | NY | 3630780 | West Seneca Central | 6,715 | 10% | $8,714 | $8,602 | $17,315 | 12% | $58,278 | $136,000 | lp |
New York | NY | 3607320 | Westhill Central | 1,781 | 6% | $10,121 | $9,872 | $19,992 | 13% | $75,777 | $153,000 | lp |
New York | NY | 3631170 | Wheatland-Chili Central | 686 | 20% | $13,401 | $13,585 | $26,985 | 25% | $57,522 | $123,500 | lp |
New York | NY | 3631320 | Whitesboro Central | 3,262 | 10% | $8,694 | $10,831 | $19,525 | 9% | $66,033 | $142,400 | lp |
North Carolina | NC | 3700600 | Camden County Schools | 1,887 | 10% | $1,733 | $7,041 | $8,775 | 21% | $68,327 | $222,500 | lp |
North Carolina | NC | 3701140 | Davidson County Schools | 19,245 | 16% | $3,077 | $5,720 | $8,796 | 17% | $51,228 | $140,700 | lp |
North Carolina | NC | 3704620 | Union County Public Schools | 41,782 | 11% | $2,994 | $5,419 | $8,413 | 37% | $70,858 | $215,200 | lp |
North Dakota | ND | 3818730 | United Public 7 | 652 | 6% | $3,942 | $9,287 | $13,229 | 8% | $86,958 | $239,000 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904519 | Amherst Exempted Village | 3,700 | 7% | $6,622 | $4,864 | $11,486 | 19% | $66,527 | $149,100 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904829 | Austintown Local | 4,867 | 16% | $5,484 | $4,755 | $10,239 | 24% | $45,358 | $101,400 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904576 | Bath Local | 1,767 | 13% | $5,908 | $4,453 | $10,361 | 12% | $51,122 | $124,000 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904355 | Beachwood City | 1,516 | 6% | $22,328 | $4,335 | $26,664 | 45% | $86,026 | $283,500 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904724 | Beavercreek City | 7,751 | 4% | $9,502 | $2,590 | $12,092 | 17% | $89,690 | $186,200 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904360 | Berea City | 6,465 | 13% | $10,356 | $3,626 | $13,981 | 24% | $54,944 | $126,300 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904362 | Bexley City | 2,355 | 6% | $14,061 | $3,297 | $17,358 | 17% | $104,796 | $328,300 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904830 | Boardman Local | 4,118 | 17% | $7,809 | $3,140 | $10,949 | 25% | $52,586 | $119,300 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904867 | Brookville Local | 1,415 | 9% | $6,509 | $5,181 | $11,690 | 4% | $50,857 | $139,000 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904831 | Canfield Local | 2,662 | 6% | $7,866 | $3,303 | $11,169 | 9% | $75,234 | $197,800 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904983 | Canton Local | 2,081 | 20% | $8,042 | $5,670 | $13,713 | 17% | $47,230 | $106,300 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904379 | Cleveland Heights-University Heights City | 5,285 | 21% | $16,716 | $5,898 | $22,614 | 83% | $57,440 | $138,600 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904998 | Copley-Fairlawn City | 2,886 | 7% | $11,815 | $2,355 | $14,170 | 25% | $72,318 | $183,300 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904383 | Cuyahoga Falls City | 4,880 | 10% | $6,890 | $3,849 | $10,739 | 17% | $53,729 | $118,300 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904655 | Cuyahoga Heights Local | 763 | 9% | $15,397 | $5,623 | $21,020 | 8% | $70,625 | $193,000 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904385 | Deer Park Community City | 1,241 | 16% | $11,192 | $3,746 | $14,938 | 24% | $54,867 | $128,400 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904702 | Dublin City | 15,729 | 7% | $12,025 | $2,433 | $14,457 | 37% | $89,684 | $283,600 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3905068 | Elmwood Local | 1,202 | 6% | $5,765 | $6,328 | $12,093 | 9% | $59,813 | $114,200 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904705 | Evergreen Local | 1,182 | 8% | $9,513 | $5,055 | $14,569 | 9% | $62,466 | $152,400 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904397 | Fairview Park City | 1,809 | 11% | $10,936 | $2,995 | $13,931 | 15% | $54,994 | $148,700 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904733 | Finneytown Local | 1,430 | 16% | $8,169 | $6,827 | $14,997 | 61% | $66,479 | $131,500 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904734 | Forest Hills Local | 7,298 | 7% | $7,426 | $3,502 | $10,928 | 11% | $92,883 | $224,200 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904696 | Gahanna-Jefferson City | 7,522 | 11% | $9,031 | $2,917 | $11,947 | 39% | $80,699 | $205,800 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904406 | Girard City | 1,693 | 23% | $5,068 | $7,688 | $12,756 | 16% | $40,720 | $82,700 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904407 | Grandview Heights City | 1,084 | 4% | $14,750 | $3,197 | $17,947 | 9% | $99,548 | $321,400 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904701 | Hilliard City | 16,025 | 8% | $9,360 | $3,886 | $13,246 | 26% | $84,239 | $193,800 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3905016 | Howland Local | 2,668 | 14% | $7,140 | $3,765 | $10,905 | 14% | $53,684 | $124,300 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904542 | Hubbard Exempted Village | 1,964 | 14% | $5,270 | $5,015 | $10,285 | 9% | $48,178 | $95,200 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904875 | Huber Heights City | 5,687 | 16% | $5,726 | $5,974 | $11,700 | 39% | $58,151 | $107,000 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904543 | Indian Hill Exempted Village | 1,996 | 5% | $16,616 | $3,166 | $19,782 | 21% | $123,207 | $490,500 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904985 | Jackson Local | 6,028 | 7% | $8,770 | $2,193 | $10,963 | 12% | $73,775 | $191,700 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904418 | Kettering City | 7,875 | 13% | $9,509 | $3,539 | $13,048 | 16% | $53,159 | $124,400 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3905018 | Lakeview Local | 1,734 | 16% | $6,093 | $6,279 | $12,372 | 7% | $56,493 | $129,600 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904419 | Lakewood City | 5,222 | 18% | $11,539 | $5,576 | $17,115 | 28% | $48,625 | $140,200 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904943 | Lexington Local | 2,399 | 11% | $5,339 | $4,769 | $10,108 | 11% | $57,388 | $139,300 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3905019 | Liberty Local | 1,162 | 20% | $8,379 | $5,142 | $13,521 | 49% | $51,532 | $116,800 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904800 | Licking Heights Local | 4,171 | 11% | $6,501 | $3,778 | $10,279 | 43% | $75,340 | $163,100 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3905020 | Lordstown Local | 492 | 18% | $11,148 | $4,851 | $15,999 | 8% | $51,351 | $134,800 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904987 | Louisville City | 2,858 | 12% | $4,696 | $5,534 | $10,229 | 4% | $59,819 | $140,400 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904833 | Lowellville Local | 538 | 14% | $6,470 | $4,211 | $10,681 | 12% | $53,625 | $103,500 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904870 | Mad River Local | 4,003 | 18% | $4,212 | $6,722 | $10,934 | 23% | $46,167 | $85,300 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904428 | Madeira City | 1,475 | 5% | $11,797 | $3,606 | $15,404 | 11% | $97,944 | $266,800 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904680 | Margaretta Local | 1,146 | 10% | $8,288 | $5,299 | $13,586 | 8% | $58,036 | $138,000 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904431 | Mariemont City | 1,685 | 11% | $12,459 | $3,688 | $16,147 | 9% | $91,994 | $331,100 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904436 | Maumee City | 2,280 | 14% | $10,442 | $4,338 | $14,780 | 23% | $58,866 | $134,800 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904699 | New Albany-Plain Local | 4,839 | 6% | $13,693 | $2,081 | $15,774 | 30% | $121,535 | $319,800 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904625 | Northeastern Local | 3,297 | 8% | $5,473 | $4,333 | $9,806 | 10% | $58,716 | $131,600 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904872 | Northmont City | 5,011 | 10% | $6,682 | $5,616 | $12,298 | 32% | $65,842 | $123,300 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904736 | Northwest Local | 8,904 | 17% | $6,544 | $4,013 | $10,557 | 46% | $63,114 | $137,000 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3905071 | Northwood Local | 891 | 11% | $9,140 | $8,077 | $17,216 | 19% | $58,807 | $117,900 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904455 | Norton City | 2,571 | 9% | $6,167 | $3,516 | $9,683 | 7% | $66,801 | $137,400 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904737 | Oak Hills Local | 7,640 | 9% | $5,185 | $4,350 | $9,534 | 11% | $72,980 | $145,200 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904458 | Oakwood City | 2,091 | 8% | $13,922 | $4,345 | $18,267 | 14% | $98,125 | $224,800 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904947 | Ontario Local | 1,931 | 9% | $6,707 | $2,667 | $9,374 | 17% | $57,971 | $138,900 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3910016 | Orange City | 2,026 | 8% | $24,673 | $4,495 | $29,168 | 33% | $127,586 | $380,600 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904460 | Oregon City | 3,656 | 12% | $7,914 | $5,097 | $13,011 | 19% | $55,972 | $134,700 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904821 | Ottawa Hills Local | 919 | 7% | $13,069 | $4,750 | $17,819 | 20% | $123,462 | $269,900 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904463 | Parma City | 10,734 | 16% | $9,232 | $3,603 | $12,836 | 20% | $53,418 | $115,100 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904681 | Perkins Local | 2,096 | 9% | $9,345 | $3,027 | $12,372 | 21% | $64,929 | $150,900 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904992 | Perry Local | 4,834 | 13% | $5,127 | $4,752 | $9,879 | 12% | $54,938 | $120,200 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904558 | Perrysburg Exempted Village | 4,985 | 4% | $9,040 | $3,084 | $12,124 | 15% | $88,560 | $211,800 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904689 | Pickerington Local | 10,224 | 7% | $6,982 | $5,584 | $12,566 | 39% | $85,596 | $195,700 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904993 | Plain Local | 6,174 | 17% | $5,622 | $4,187 | $9,809 | 27% | $51,912 | $140,300 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904834 | Poland Local | 1,925 | 7% | $7,780 | $3,978 | $11,759 | 8% | $75,943 | $160,800 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3905005 | Revere Local | 2,653 | 3% | $12,560 | $2,475 | $15,035 | 13% | $103,958 | $292,100 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904700 | Reynoldsburg City | 7,045 | 16% | $6,359 | $5,227 | $11,586 | 61% | $64,386 | $144,400 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3910014 | Riverside Local | 4,203 | 9% | $7,768 | $2,915 | $10,682 | 15% | $73,864 | $192,200 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904560 | Rossford Exempted Village | 1,515 | 10% | $13,342 | $4,910 | $18,252 | 20% | $53,199 | $135,200 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904475 | Shaker Heights City | 5,105 | 12% | $14,777 | $5,704 | $20,481 | 60% | $74,976 | $204,500 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904579 | Shawnee Local | 2,424 | 9% | $6,316 | $3,459 | $9,775 | 17% | $67,873 | $145,900 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904476 | Sheffield-Sheffield Lake City | 1,723 | 14% | $9,417 | $3,596 | $13,012 | 17% | $64,163 | $124,000 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904479 | South Euclid-Lyndhurst City | 3,448 | 15% | $13,734 | $4,310 | $18,044 | 80% | $62,653 | $121,000 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904822 | Springfield Local | 3,703 | 14% | $8,231 | $2,701 | $10,931 | 37% | $61,291 | $169,400 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904709 | Swanton Local | 1,258 | 11% | $7,194 | $5,009 | $12,203 | 12% | $61,792 | $142,800 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904487 | Sylvania City | 7,557 | 9% | $9,300 | $3,372 | $12,672 | 17% | $75,178 | $181,000 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904488 | Tallmadge City | 2,386 | 10% | $7,996 | $4,813 | $12,809 | 14% | $64,060 | $161,400 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904739 | Three Rivers Local | 2,087 | 12% | $6,943 | $3,332 | $10,275 | 8% | $81,115 | $218,900 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904493 | Upper Arlington City | 5,935 | 4% | $13,933 | $2,451 | $16,384 | 16% | $109,813 | $356,300 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904495 | Vandalia-Butler City | 2,945 | 10% | $10,176 | $2,718 | $12,893 | 19% | $61,165 | $152,200 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3905025 | Weathersfield Local | 950 | 19% | $5,495 | $5,788 | $11,284 | 9% | $47,784 | $108,400 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904504 | Westerville City | 14,988 | 12% | $8,942 | $3,556 | $12,498 | 43% | $76,264 | $197,000 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904513 | Worthington City | 10,081 | 8% | $10,706 | $3,605 | $14,311 | 31% | $80,837 | $224,400 | lp |
Ohio | OH | 3904514 | Wyoming City | 1,922 | 7% | $10,623 | $3,860 | $14,483 | 23% | $118,947 | $305,300 | lp |
Oklahoma | OK | 4033603 | Binger-Oney Public Schools | 350 | 15% | $4,674 | $4,929 | $9,603 | 37% | $46,103 | $83,400 | lp |
Oklahoma | OK | 4004500 | Bixby Public Schools | 6,204 | 6% | $5,746 | $3,023 | $8,768 | 30% | $84,128 | $217,200 | lp |
Oklahoma | OK | 4005010 | Boone-Apache Public Schools | 566 | 23% | $4,032 | $4,774 | $8,806 | 64% | $42,134 | $84,100 | lp |
Oklahoma | OK | 4006060 | Byng Public Schools | 1,828 | 12% | $2,093 | $5,146 | $7,239 | 56% | $55,991 | $142,600 | lp |
Oklahoma | OK | 4007620 | Choctaw/Nicoma Park Schools | 5,772 | 9% | $3,393 | $4,029 | $7,422 | 30% | $73,857 | $165,900 | lp |
Oklahoma | OK | 4010590 | Edmond Public Schools | 24,403 | 8% | $6,013 | $2,515 | $8,528 | 37% | $78,562 | $217,700 | lp |
Oklahoma | OK | 4033602 | Fort Cobb-Broxton Schools | 350 | 21% | $3,254 | $6,066 | $9,320 | 41% | $42,179 | $77,700 | lp |
Oklahoma | OK | 4014610 | Hinton Public Schools | 702 | 12% | $4,621 | $3,744 | $8,365 | 33% | $52,470 | $105,400 | lp |
Oklahoma | OK | 4000032 | Hydro-Eakly Public Schools | 464 | 22% | $4,778 | $4,336 | $9,114 | 33% | $45,250 | $109,800 | lp |
Oklahoma | OK | 4019800 | Merritt Public Schools | 797 | 9% | $4,706 | $3,440 | $8,147 | 21% | $62,325 | $132,700 | lp |
Oklahoma | OK | 4020250 | Moore Public Schools | 24,355 | 10% | $3,844 | $3,912 | $7,756 | 51% | $65,343 | $152,100 | lp |
Oklahoma | OK | 4021000 | Mustang Public Schools | 11,031 | 7% | $3,720 | $3,809 | $7,530 | 34% | $73,862 | $159,500 | lp |
Oklahoma | OK | 4022620 | Okay Public Schools | 428 | 9% | $2,509 | $5,007 | $7,516 | 58% | $48,796 | $108,200 | lp |
Oklahoma | OK | 4022830 | Oktaha Public Schools | 765 | 17% | $1,678 | $5,390 | $7,068 | 59% | $54,663 | $105,300 | lp |
Oklahoma | OK | 4030197 | Porter Consolidated Schools | 537 | 9% | $2,974 | $4,777 | $7,750 | 46% | $54,313 | $91,800 | lp |
Oklahoma | OK | 4030300 | Turner Public Schools | 328 | 10% | $4,226 | $4,823 | $9,049 | 32% | $61,346 | $111,800 | lp |
Oklahoma | OK | 4032940 | Wilson Public Schools | 443 | 16% | $3,167 | $5,178 | $8,345 | 36% | $49,464 | $71,700 | lp |
Oklahoma | OK | 4033480 | Yukon Public Schools | 8,479 | 9% | $3,728 | $4,132 | $7,861 | 29% | $68,266 | $149,100 | lp |
Oregon | OR | 4103860 | Dallas 2 | 3,226 | 16% | $3,160 | $6,761 | $9,921 | 20% | $58,400 | $215,700 | lp |
Oregon | OR | 4108550 | Mount Angel 91 | 753 | 10% | $3,568 | $8,510 | $12,078 | 55% | $52,448 | $214,400 | lp |
Oregon | OR | 4109600 | Philomath 17J | 1,593 | 9% | $4,653 | $6,818 | $11,471 | 14% | $62,428 | $249,400 | lp |
Oregon | OR | 4111470 | Silver Falls 4J | 3,867 | 10% | $3,504 | $7,423 | $10,927 | 19% | $68,897 | $283,400 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4202010 | Abington Heights | 3,304 | 6% | $9,729 | $4,216 | $13,944 | 11% | $76,693 | $226,900 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4202040 | Abington | 7,966 | 5% | $14,761 | $3,907 | $18,668 | 36% | $83,707 | $270,700 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4202440 | Ambridge Area | 2,416 | 15% | $9,534 | $7,230 | $16,764 | 23% | $56,110 | $117,900 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4203600 | Bethlehem-Center | 1,194 | 13% | $4,241 | $11,123 | $15,364 | 5% | $51,144 | $103,100 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4204530 | Burrell | 1,790 | 8% | $9,176 | $6,286 | $15,462 | 5% | $62,880 | $137,000 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4204710 | California Area | 885 | 12% | $5,249 | $10,175 | $15,425 | 8% | $41,955 | $94,100 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4205340 | Central Cambria | 1,627 | 13% | $6,565 | $7,426 | $13,992 | 2% | $54,533 | $127,200 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4205400 | Central Dauphin | 11,489 | 12% | $11,544 | $3,773 | $15,318 | 49% | $65,843 | $173,900 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4205490 | Central York | 5,752 | 7% | $10,834 | $3,521 | $14,355 | 30% | $63,653 | $174,100 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4205760 | Cheltenham Township | 4,619 | 6% | $19,306 | $4,883 | $24,189 | 67% | $78,509 | $269,100 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4219470 | Colonial | 4,854 | 4% | $20,252 | $3,948 | $24,200 | 25% | $94,894 | $342,200 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4206420 | Conemaugh Township Area | 967 | 10% | $4,537 | $9,960 | $14,497 | 2% | $45,787 | $104,400 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4206430 | Conemaugh Valley | 747 | 21% | $3,970 | $11,466 | $15,436 | 9% | $45,478 | $76,500 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4205460 | Crestwood | 2,810 | 8% | $7,539 | $5,111 | $12,650 | 8% | $74,282 | $185,500 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4207540 | Deer Lakes | 1,959 | 7% | $11,505 | $6,264 | $17,768 | 3% | $61,158 | $141,300 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4208550 | East Penn | 8,076 | 6% | $12,692 | $3,741 | $16,433 | 24% | $74,428 | $229,100 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4208580 | East Pennsboro Area | 2,684 | 10% | $10,309 | $4,310 | $14,620 | 26% | $63,603 | $173,900 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4210860 | Governor Mifflin | 4,107 | 9% | $12,043 | $4,023 | $16,066 | 30% | $65,909 | $168,400 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4211490 | Harbor Creek | 2,100 | 10% | $8,218 | $6,985 | $15,203 | 7% | $63,167 | $157,600 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4211670 | Haverford Township | 6,028 | 3% | $15,675 | $3,308 | $18,983 | 16% | $102,838 | $315,700 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4211820 | Hermitage | 2,032 | 12% | $9,187 | $5,300 | $14,487 | 15% | $55,000 | $140,700 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4212030 | Hopewell Area | 2,056 | 8% | $9,163 | $8,407 | $17,569 | 9% | $63,090 | $144,400 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4212170 | Interboro | 3,365 | 11% | $11,956 | $6,260 | $18,215 | 21% | $61,671 | $165,100 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4213380 | Laurel | 1,165 | 9% | $5,268 | $9,725 | $14,993 | 3% | $60,183 | $144,200 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4213710 | Ligonier Valley | 1,612 | 12% | $10,144 | $6,596 | $16,739 | 2% | $51,443 | $145,500 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4214160 | Lower Merion | 8,387 | 4% | $26,084 | $4,223 | $30,307 | 28% | $123,836 | $556,300 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4214190 | Lower Moreland Township | 2,263 | 4% | $17,066 | $3,734 | $20,800 | 22% | $104,206 | $399,500 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4215330 | Millcreek Township | 6,820 | 10% | $9,496 | $4,229 | $13,725 | 14% | $58,479 | $161,500 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4215720 | Montour | 2,868 | 7% | $18,089 | $4,275 | $22,364 | 15% | $74,994 | $164,000 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4216110 | Mount Lebanon | 5,439 | 4% | $13,952 | $3,548 | $17,500 | 13% | $91,748 | $244,800 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4216200 | Muhlenberg | 3,663 | 13% | $10,860 | $3,979 | $14,839 | 57% | $63,280 | $144,600 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4216410 | Neshaminy | 8,507 | 6% | $14,899 | $4,931 | $19,830 | 18% | $82,679 | $298,300 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4216440 | Neshannock Township | 1,201 | 7% | $10,242 | $4,842 | $15,084 | 5% | $67,807 | $174,300 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4217310 | North Pocono | 2,977 | 10% | $10,963 | $5,913 | $16,875 | 7% | $63,734 | $193,000 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4217770 | Northgate | 1,148 | 17% | $11,870 | $6,974 | $18,844 | 31% | $42,258 | $106,500 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4217940 | Norwin | 5,249 | 6% | $7,412 | $5,353 | $12,765 | 6% | $68,643 | $161,500 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4218270 | Owen J. Roberts | 5,294 | 5% | $14,772 | $3,805 | $18,577 | 16% | $93,637 | $315,500 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4218510 | Parkland | 9,300 | 6% | $14,230 | $3,059 | $17,288 | 33% | $83,657 | $256,500 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4218580 | Penn-Delco | 3,388 | 6% | $12,169 | $4,467 | $16,636 | 15% | $76,816 | $217,800 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4220250 | Richland | 1,580 | 11% | $9,408 | $4,059 | $13,467 | 8% | $56,537 | $137,500 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4220370 | Ridley | 5,550 | 9% | $13,126 | $5,236 | $18,362 | 22% | $68,873 | $190,300 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4220520 | Rockwood Area | 717 | 13% | $7,873 | $7,188 | $15,062 | 3% | $52,093 | $116,500 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4220730 | Salisbury Township | 1,595 | 13% | $16,932 | $6,403 | $23,336 | 29% | $73,324 | $209,700 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4220970 | Schuylkill Valley | 2,039 | 7% | $13,645 | $4,096 | $17,741 | 15% | $70,007 | $204,200 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4221910 | South Allegheny | 1,484 | 19% | $4,887 | $10,011 | $14,898 | 12% | $43,150 | $69,800 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4222620 | Springfield Township | 2,435 | 4% | $18,401 | $3,884 | $22,284 | 26% | $91,623 | $319,200 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4223010 | Susquehanna Township | 2,747 | 12% | $14,139 | $3,747 | $17,886 | 71% | $61,995 | $164,800 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4223880 | Turkeyfoot Valley Area | 347 | 17% | $4,873 | $10,013 | $14,886 | 2% | $36,553 | $101,900 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4224790 | Wallingford-Swarthmore | 3,595 | 4% | $17,128 | $4,019 | $21,147 | 26% | $107,129 | $349,400 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4225590 | West Jefferson Hills | 2,880 | 5% | $11,728 | $4,623 | $16,352 | 7% | $75,694 | $166,500 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4225650 | West Middlesex Area | 905 | 14% | $6,114 | $9,418 | $15,532 | 6% | $50,069 | $126,600 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4225680 | West Mifflin Area | 2,841 | 18% | $11,478 | $6,314 | $17,792 | 36% | $49,617 | $91,900 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4225830 | West Shore | 7,705 | 10% | $10,372 | $3,841 | $14,212 | 18% | $63,542 | $178,200 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4225980 | West York Area | 3,026 | 11% | $12,869 | $4,448 | $17,316 | 33% | $56,353 | $150,600 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4226130 | Westmont Hilltop | 1,307 | 10% | $10,600 | $5,677 | $16,277 | 9% | $66,520 | $126,700 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4226580 | Wilson | 5,974 | 8% | $13,115 | $3,557 | $16,672 | 32% | $69,751 | $193,700 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4226760 | Wyomissing Area | 1,929 | 10% | $14,503 | $3,331 | $17,834 | 33% | $69,171 | $194,100 | lp |
Pennsylvania | PA | 4226850 | York Suburban | 2,926 | 8% | $14,922 | $3,119 | $18,040 | 26% | $64,936 | $161,100 | lp |
Rhode Island | RI | 4400270 | Cumberland | 4,568 | 10% | $9,010 | $4,411 | $13,421 | 19% | $81,713 | $266,500 | lp |
Rhode Island | RI | 4400570 | Lincoln | 3,002 | 12% | $13,193 | $4,402 | $17,595 | 14% | $69,404 | $289,200 | lp |
Rhode Island | RI | 4400810 | North Smithfield | 1,707 | 8% | $11,039 | $4,266 | $15,305 | 13% | $79,167 | $280,300 | lp |
South Carolina | SC | 4500720 | Aiken County | 24,838 | 22% | $4,305 | $5,895 | $10,200 | 48% | $47,494 | $135,200 | lp |
South Carolina | SC | 4501170 | Berkeley County | 34,628 | 16% | $4,968 | $5,852 | $10,820 | 49% | $56,697 | $164,900 | lp |
South Carolina | SC | 4502010 | Dorchester 2 | 26,066 | 12% | $3,395 | $5,978 | $9,373 | 45% | $61,892 | $186,900 | lp |
Tennessee | TN | 4700152 | Arlington Community | 5,139 | 6% | $4,785 | $4,235 | $9,020 | 25% | $98,841 | $216,400 | lp |
Tennessee | TN | 4700149 | Collierville | 8,385 | 10% | $4,960 | $4,417 | $9,376 | 37% | $113,957 | $286,700 | lp |
Tennessee | TN | 4701050 | Dyer County | 3,927 | 20% | $3,117 | $5,450 | $8,567 | 11% | $49,817 | $97,500 | lp |
Tennessee | TN | 4700151 | Germantown Municipal | 5,931 | 6% | $5,127 | $4,328 | $9,456 | 26% | $113,392 | $302,800 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4807590 | Alamo Heights Independent | 4,857 | 7% | $11,292 | $865 | $12,157 | 48% | $91,814 | $421,400 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4807780 | Aledo Independent | 5,443 | 6% | $8,712 | $1,698 | $10,410 | 18% | $110,495 | $274,200 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4809410 | Banquete Independent | 948 | 18% | $5,876 | $6,039 | $11,915 | 83% | $70,707 | $103,300 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4809870 | Ben Bolt-Palito Blanco Independent | 542 | 19% | $2,323 | $8,542 | $10,865 | 93% | $46,250 | $82,800 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4811250 | Bremond Independent | 470 | 20% | $9,366 | $2,543 | $11,909 | 32% | $55,484 | $88,200 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4811310 | Bridge City Independent | 2,953 | 12% | $4,472 | $3,953 | $8,425 | 22% | $64,980 | $154,300 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4812090 | Buna Independent | 1,459 | 14% | $3,685 | $6,434 | $10,119 | 10% | $45,946 | $97,600 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4812420 | Calallen Independent | 4,058 | 12% | $6,238 | $4,078 | $10,316 | 63% | $76,489 | $145,300 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4813960 | China Spring Independent | 2,696 | 9% | $4,426 | $4,904 | $9,330 | 25% | $83,143 | $180,600 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4815000 | Conroe Independent | 59,764 | 10% | $7,228 | $2,287 | $9,515 | 51% | $77,211 | $224,000 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4818180 | Edinburg Consolidated Independent | 34,680 | 35% | $2,175 | $6,683 | $8,858 | 99% | $39,745 | $88,700 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4820160 | Fort Sam Houston Independent | 1,597 | 9% | $314 | $7,800 | $8,113 | 63% | $64,063 | $208,900 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4819740 | Franklin Independent | 1,213 | 19% | $15,622 | $6,508 | $22,129 | 27% | $48,458 | $123,600 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4820550 | George West Independent | 1,050 | 24% | $9,602 | $1,760 | $11,362 | 57% | $51,557 | $88,800 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4820850 | Glen Rose Independent | 1,759 | 14% | $14,415 | $2,629 | $17,044 | 36% | $52,269 | $173,900 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4822410 | Hardin-Jefferson Independent | 2,257 | 10% | $5,014 | $3,903 | $8,917 | 22% | $63,683 | $120,500 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4823250 | Highland Park Independent | 7,044 | 4% | $11,785 | $855 | $12,640 | 14% | $208,438 | $1,237,100 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4823910 | Humble Independent | 41,224 | 10% | $5,813 | $4,370 | $10,183 | 61% | $88,566 | $191,200 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4824120 | Idalou Independent | 1,026 | 10% | $3,560 | $6,249 | $9,809 | 43% | $68,333 | $130,800 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4824780 | Jim Ned Consolidated Independent | 1,166 | 10% | $4,698 | $6,205 | $10,903 | 15% | $75,245 | $150,300 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4826370 | Lackland Independent | 1,038 | 13% | $299 | $8,425 | $8,724 | 54% | $64,821 | NA | lp |
Texas | TX | 4827990 | London Independent | 959 | 7% | $5,371 | $5,291 | $10,662 | 55% | $147,227 | $416,700 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4828200 | Lorena Independent | 1,696 | 8% | $4,811 | $5,243 | $10,054 | 20% | $87,946 | $162,400 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4828410 | Lovelady Independent | 534 | 16% | $5,421 | $4,440 | $9,861 | 21% | $52,772 | $117,500 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4815180 | Lubbock-Cooper Independent | 5,969 | 11% | $7,152 | $2,925 | $10,077 | 40% | $83,420 | $187,600 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4813530 | Lumberton Independent | 3,911 | 10% | $3,513 | $4,577 | $8,090 | 12% | $66,364 | $154,400 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4829190 | Mart Independent | 527 | 17% | $3,503 | $7,630 | $11,133 | 54% | $43,015 | $82,200 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4830300 | Meridian Independent | 479 | 17% | $6,424 | $6,599 | $13,023 | 42% | $42,446 | $92,400 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4830640 | Midway Independent | 7,898 | 8% | $8,081 | $1,581 | $9,663 | 43% | $73,949 | $173,100 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4830720 | Mildred Independent | 727 | 11% | $7,425 | $3,213 | $10,638 | 20% | $74,643 | $141,200 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4832280 | Nederland Independent | 5,254 | 13% | $5,796 | $2,862 | $8,658 | 42% | $62,692 | $136,500 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4833010 | North Lamar Independent | 2,701 | 15% | $5,236 | $3,957 | $9,193 | 20% | $57,867 | $122,400 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4833120 | Northside Independent | 106,145 | 15% | $6,466 | $3,204 | $9,670 | 81% | $62,781 | $165,800 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4833780 | Orangefield Independent | 1,759 | 13% | $3,964 | $4,883 | $8,848 | 13% | $61,855 | $157,300 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4834440 | Pearland Independent | 21,585 | 7% | $4,924 | $4,267 | $9,191 | 62% | $99,397 | $199,900 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4835100 | Plano Independent | 54,173 | 6% | $10,517 | $1,064 | $11,581 | 64% | $84,399 | $276,900 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4835130 | Pleasant Grove Independent | 2,127 | 10% | $6,350 | $3,369 | $9,718 | 32% | $74,930 | $172,800 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4835430 | Port Neches-Groves Independent | 5,025 | 14% | $7,804 | $2,195 | $10,000 | 35% | $56,216 | $123,700 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4835740 | Prairiland Independent | 1,128 | 15% | $2,569 | $6,217 | $8,786 | 13% | $48,648 | $82,900 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4836750 | Redwater Independent | 1,117 | 10% | $2,893 | $6,655 | $9,548 | 9% | $63,008 | $122,100 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4837110 | Riesel Independent | 617 | 13% | $10,630 | $1,000 | $11,630 | 26% | $51,000 | $94,400 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4837410 | Robinson Independent | 2,302 | 11% | $4,191 | $5,553 | $9,744 | 34% | $80,591 | $147,000 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4837710 | Rogers Independent | 867 | 11% | $3,345 | $6,728 | $10,073 | 34% | $64,306 | $140,500 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4837830 | Ropes Independent | 376 | 19% | $4,059 | $7,277 | $11,335 | 41% | $55,795 | $74,400 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4840410 | Skidmore-Tynan Independent | 843 | 20% | $3,251 | $7,412 | $10,663 | 70% | $44,112 | $68,700 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4841850 | Sundown Independent | 668 | 14% | $8,343 | $9,048 | $17,391 | 60% | $51,176 | $66,300 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4845000 | West Hardin County Consolidated Independent | 562 | 6% | $4,073 | $5,582 | $9,655 | 6% | $45,872 | $50,100 | lp |
Vermont | VT | 5003240 | Colchester | 2,302 | 9% | $746 | $16,378 | $17,124 | 11% | $68,021 | $264,200 | lp |
Vermont | VT | 5007470 | South Burlington | 2,502 | 7% | $2,158 | $18,393 | $20,552 | 21% | $66,197 | $280,800 | lp |
Virginia | VA | 5100840 | Chesterfield County Public Schools | 60,060 | 8% | $5,061 | $5,262 | $10,324 | 49% | $76,969 | $224,200 | lp |
Virginia | VA | 5100960 | Colonial Heights City Public Schools | 2,837 | 17% | $7,473 | $5,072 | $12,546 | 36% | $50,952 | $163,300 | lp |
Virginia | VA | 5101170 | Dinwiddie County Public Schools | 4,394 | 15% | $4,964 | $6,179 | $11,144 | 46% | $54,640 | $160,100 | lp |
Virginia | VA | 5101890 | Henrico County Public Schools | 51,425 | 13% | $5,505 | $4,935 | $10,440 | 60% | $66,447 | $223,900 | lp |
Virginia | VA | 5102010 | Isle of Wight County Public Schools | 5,451 | 10% | $5,629 | $5,202 | $10,831 | 37% | $67,767 | $249,100 | lp |
Virginia | VA | 5102940 | Pittsylvania County Public Schools | 9,182 | 17% | $2,337 | $6,535 | $8,873 | 30% | $44,356 | $113,800 | lp |
Virginia | VA | 5103090 | Prince George County Public Schools | 6,446 | 10% | $3,628 | $6,069 | $9,697 | 52% | $68,461 | $212,100 | lp |
Virginia | VA | 5103330 | Roanoke County Public Schools | 14,235 | 8% | $5,179 | $5,299 | $10,478 | 21% | $62,134 | $192,100 | lp |
Virginia | VA | 5104150 | York County Public Schools | 12,682 | 5% | $4,842 | $4,861 | $9,703 | 39% | $86,781 | $315,400 | lp |
Washington | WA | 5307710 | Seattle | 54,215 | 11% | $8,001 | $8,411 | $16,411 | 53% | $79,519 | $537,400 | lp |
Wisconsin | WI | 5501800 | Brown Deer | 1,614 | 10% | $7,775 | $7,980 | $15,755 | 74% | $61,225 | $151,200 | lp |
Wisconsin | WI | 5504500 | Fall Creek | 822 | 7% | $4,521 | $7,794 | $12,315 | 3% | $56,821 | $177,100 | lp |
Wisconsin | WI | 5506030 | Hamilton | 4,744 | 3% | $5,592 | $5,931 | $11,523 | 18% | $82,459 | $261,800 | lp |
Wisconsin | WI | 5508820 | Marshfield | 4,051 | 9% | $5,156 | $6,894 | $12,050 | 12% | $54,632 | $151,400 | lp |
Wisconsin | WI | 5509060 | Menomonee Falls | 4,018 | 4% | $10,409 | $3,931 | $14,340 | 25% | $71,799 | $226,600 | lp |
Wisconsin | WI | 5509130 | Mequon-Thiensville | 3,714 | 3% | $9,835 | $3,242 | $13,076 | 23% | $99,780 | $347,600 | lp |
Wisconsin | WI | 5510830 | Oak Creek-Franklin | 6,598 | 7% | $5,154 | $6,641 | $11,795 | 28% | $70,566 | $210,100 | lp |
Wisconsin | WI | 5511790 | Pittsville | 596 | 10% | $5,367 | $7,433 | $12,800 | 5% | $52,318 | $143,100 | lp |
Wisconsin | WI | 5513800 | Shorewood | 2,161 | 11% | $9,460 | $4,839 | $14,298 | 35% | $68,306 | $330,800 | lp |
Wisconsin | WI | 5515990 | Wauwatosa | 7,081 | 5% | $7,603 | $4,308 | $11,911 | 35% | $74,929 | $227,200 | lp |
Wisconsin | WI | 5516350 | West Salem | 1,810 | 6% | $5,455 | $7,109 | $12,564 | 8% | $75,693 | $195,900 | lp |
Wisconsin | WI | 5516620 | Whitefish Bay | 3,035 | 6% | $7,059 | $5,498 | $12,557 | 24% | $111,069 | $365,500 | lp |
Wisconsin | WI | 5506000 | Whitnall | 2,502 | 6% | $7,059 | $4,920 | $11,979 | 25% | $74,346 | $220,000 | lp |
Arizona | AZ | 0405530 | Nogales Unified District | 5,749 | 45% | $1,723 | $4,504 | $6,227 | 99% | $28,408 | $114,500 | hp |
Arizona | AZ | 0408170 | Sunnyside Unified District | 16,168 | 30% | $1,991 | $4,080 | $6,071 | 96% | $36,411 | $90,700 | hp |
Arizona | AZ | 0407080 | Roosevelt Elementary District | 9,335 | 30% | $4,399 | $3,960 | $8,359 | 97% | $45,605 | $146,700 | hp |
California | CA | 0600042 | Warner Unified School District | 1,733 | 32% | $11,054 | $11,377 | $22,432 | 53% | $37,989 | $190,600 | hp |
New Mexico | NM | 3500900 | Espanola Municipal Schools | 3,728 | 29% | $1,603 | $9,079 | $10,682 | 94% | $33,071 | $167,200 | hp |
New York | NY | 3620820 | Niagara Falls City School District | 7,200 | 30% | $3,646 | $15,638 | $19,285 | 57% | $33,965 | $69,900 | hp |
Texas | TX | 4810170 | Big Sandy Independent School District | 529 | 26% | $5,006 | $4,418 | $9,423 | 35% | $44,375 | $80,900 | hp |
Arizona | AZ | 0407300 | Sahuarita Unified District | 6,133 | 10% | $4,398 | $3,474 | $7,872 | 60% | $64,909 | $163,500 | lp |
Arizona | AZ | 0408850 | Vail Unified District | 12,848 | 6% | $3,264 | $4,358 | $7,621 | 45% | $81,071 | $199,500 | lp |
Arizona | AZ | 0404230 | Kyrene Elementary District | 16,943 | 8% | $5,575 | $3,281 | $8,855 | 55% | $84,841 | $305,200 | lp |
California | CA | 0600069 | Valley Center-Pauma Unified School District | 4,069 | 12% | $5,271 | $6,117 | $11,387 | 68% | $76,787 | $462,200 | lp |
New Mexico | NM | 3501650 | Los Alamos Public Schools | 3,662 | 3% | $2,781 | $7,477 | $10,258 | 42% | $110,190 | $285,300 | lp |
New York | NY | 3620850 | Niagara-Wheatfield Central School District | 3,668 | 10% | $8,588 | $11,579 | $20,168 | 19% | $61,739 | $159,600 | lp |
Texas | TX | 4845000 | West Hardin County Consolidated Independent School District | 562 | 6% | $4,073 | $5,582 | $9,655 | 6% | $45,872 | $50,100 | lp |
State | Postal | Borders in the Dataset | Borders in 50 Most Segregating List | Average Percentage Point Poverty Difference | min_pov_diff | Largest Percentage Point Difference | Highly Segregating Borders |
Alabama | AL | 311 | 2 | 8 | 0 | 32 | 18 |
Arizona | AZ | 151 | 1 | 8 | 0 | 34 | 5 |
Arkansas | AR | 630 | 0 | 7 | 0 | 29 | 17 |
California | CA | 968 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 28 | 24 |
Colorado | CO | 176 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 19 | 0 |
Connecticut | CT | 272 | 1 | 6 | 0 | 31 | 22 |
Delaware | DE | 25 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 11 | 0 |
Florida | FL | 141 | 1 | 7 | 0 | 32 | 6 |
Georgia | GA | 433 | 1 | 7 | 0 | 31 | 19 |
Idaho | ID | 138 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 12 | 0 |
Illinois | IL | 1,591 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 30 | 37 |
Indiana | IN | 762 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 31 | 14 |
Iowa | IA | 874 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 23 | 2 |
Kansas | KS | 453 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 18 | 0 |
Kentucky | KY | 378 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 26 | 9 |
Louisiana | LA | 152 | 1 | 7 | 0 | 31 | 4 |
Maine | ME | 217 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 18 | 0 |
Maryland | MD | 31 | 0 | 6 | 1 | 22 | 2 |
Massachusetts | MA | 479 | 2 | 6 | 0 | 32 | 20 |
Michigan | MI | 1,270 | 6 | 6 | 0 | 40 | 57 |
Minnesota | MN | 730 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 21 | 2 |
Mississippi | MS | 325 | 3 | 9 | 0 | 41 | 23 |
Missouri | MO | 969 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 28 | 23 |
Montana | MT | 59 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 11 | 0 |
Nebraska | NE | 376 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 20 | 1 |
Nevada | NV | 7 | 0 | 5 | 1 | 9 | 0 |
New Hampshire | NH | 106 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 16 | 0 |
New Jersey | NJ | 754 | 1 | 5 | 0 | 32 | 35 |
New Mexico | NM | 43 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 26 | 2 |
New York | NY | 1,565 | 9 | 6 | 0 | 41 | 52 |
North Carolina | NC | 253 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 20 | 3 |
North Dakota | ND | 34 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 21 | 1 |
Ohio | OH | 1,658 | 17 | 6 | 0 | 41 | 92 |
Oklahoma | OK | 810 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 31 | 21 |
Oregon | OR | 275 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 27 | 4 |
Pennsylvania | PA | 1,357 | 5 | 6 | 0 | 35 | 62 |
Rhode Island | RI | 45 | 0 | 8 | 0 | 24 | 3 |
South Carolina | SC | 207 | 0 | 7 | 0 | 24 | 5 |
South Dakota | SD | 130 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 14 | 0 |
Tennessee | TN | 302 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 25 | 4 |
Texas | TX | 2,002 | 0 | 7 | 0 | 28 | 53 |
Utah | UT | 56 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 12 | 0 |
Vermont | VT | 113 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 23 | 2 |
Virginia | VA | 269 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 30 | 12 |
Washington | WA | 363 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 22 | 1 |
West Virginia | WV | 124 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 18 | 0 |
Wisconsin | WI | 951 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 28 | 14 |
Wyoming | WY | 7 | 0 | 4 | 1 | 9 | 0 |